Social Media Girls Forum

truckbanktank commented
How did you get those?
Deleted member 5145872 commented
She looks underage in at least one of those pics, which means it's probably lifted from a personal account and dumped onto some shady forum without her permission. If you've got her full name on top of all this, it means you've probably been hanging out in some messed-up message boards with members that don't mind swapping some CP to get their rocks off. Everybody here seems to be a fan of hers, but you're going to get the entire thread shut down by posting this and bragging you have her name.
alacran75 commented
There is a lot of difference between appearing and being. even now she has an underage face.
and even more knowing that she has been a webcam model for more than four years
Deleted member 5145872 commented
alacran75 I know she looks young today despite the fact she's in her 20s, but let's say you're right about her being of age in these pics it's still pretty shitty to post private pics of a model and then toss in a little aside about knowing her full name. What purpose does this post even serve? It accomplishes nothing except make people think this board is full of creeps who don't mind delving into a model's personal life that is of no business to anyone.