Social Media Girls Forum

jonjones23 commented
Wow is that the number she provided. That's absolutely nuts. Guess she has those TFATK fans to thank.
jermellcharlo88 commented
i don't think she has that many fans, her lives only have like 15 people at most, who knows if 3 of them aren't just admin accounts for the agency that works with her.

i think the business these days for OF Models is to cash out when your at your peak, hook up with an agency, get a standard fee and let them worry about the revenue. They do all the work, chat and post, you just do the bare minimum and wait till the contract runs out , then show your actual nudes for another run.
bitchtorrent commented
It's been mentioned several times (even on Rogan) from different sources that she makes over $100k a month. Even with OF taking their cut, that's around $1M. I followed her on IG for a bit: bought a Porsche SUV, new house, extravagant vacations at 5 star hotels and oh, supporting that deadbeat "comedian" dude for years.
justafanofmm commented
God she is so mid. I followed this thread years ago just because I used to listen to the king and the sting podcast. I haven’t checked it in a long time but this is as far as she has progressed? Ridiculous. If she walked into my local bar no one would even look twice at her. She’s just a regular looking chubby girl. What a country we live in where she can earn a living off of her looks. She’s a department store clerk in any other era.