Social Media Girls Forum

RiceRacer00 commented
That is one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen đŸ˜‚
RiceRacer00 commented
Also Fandy is ruining Stasia and I am NOT here for it. Stasia is a lot hotter and fandy plays on it. But fandy shows boobs that’s why she uses these streamers, to take their supporters. It’s shitty man.
maays commented
I will never understand how Fandy has supporters, I personally don't find her even remotely attractive..
Jj2212 commented
lol wtf are you talking about? Stasia was like a 100 viewer streamer before she started leeching on Fandy. now she has like 1.5 -2k and people know who she is. She didnt have any supporters before Fandy and most of her audience now are just fandy viewers. She literally gets hosted every day by her. Im not mad at it, shes leeching and its working out for her but trying to say Fandy is using her or hurting her is crazy. How out of touch can you be. Im sure Fandy goes and hunts down 100 viewer streamers to take their viewers...lmao deluded