Off Topic How E-thotting Works (how to get the content you want)

In the Zaks thread I made a suggestion for offering feedback on her first OnlyFans PPV...

Be complimentary and encouraging, tell her what you liked and what you'd like to see in the future.

Something like:

So glad you started an OnlyFans! Liking the content so far.
Was cool to get a bikini try-on that's a little more spicy than what's allowed on youtube :)
Loved the booty shakes and getting different bikinis.
But I gotta admit it was a little pricey.
Would be great to get some different camera angles and more full body and frontal views.
Overall good stuff though.

She's just starting out, so we don't want to discourage by going full complaining right away. Be supportive, feed the ego a little bit and mention what you liked, but also what you don't like, and suggestions for what content you'd like to see.

Most of these chicks have no idea what they're doing, so it's helpful to give some guidance. They know everyone wants nudity, but they have almost no idea of anything outside of that. And if they aren't ready to do nudity, that translates to them having no real concept of what to do and how to make enticing content. It's how you have thots like Vicky Stark doing the same f-ing try-on video for almost 3 years.

Got to encourage, but also be clear with likes/dislikes and suggestions.

One response was:

@redery You are simpinā€˜ hard. She knows exactly what sheā€™s doing and has been doing slutty YouTube content for years to get views. Now sheā€™s not hiding that sheā€™s trying to monetize and is acting shy to string guys along as long as possible without doing anything different than YouTube.

I think this gives thots too much credit. They know sex sells, but that's about as far as it goes, especially for newbies like her.

Rookies don't understand business

When I say she doesn't know what she's doing, I mean she's literally just doing the same youtube/instagram content but with a little more ass, and charging money for it. That ain't gonna get her very far. I'll put it this way, if I had her body and her meager following, I could still easily clear at least $500k inside of a year easy, without even showing nudity. That's the difference.

It's why subreddits like SellerCircleStage and sites like exist.

These chicks don't understand what guys want (other than nudity) and they certainly don't understand anything about business. All the money they make is literally from the fact that they look a certain way, and platforms like Instagram/Facebook/YouTube/TikTok/OnlyFans make it stupidly easy to get an audience if you look like they do. It's virtually impossible to not get some sales.

Just look at the second-most popular person on TikTok.

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I mean, she's young, female, and not fat. And she dances sometimes. That's really about it. That's all it takes to get a following on social media if you play the algorithm right. She's nowhere near a 10, and yet she has 77.4 million followers on TikTok alone. You're basically tripping over offers for money at that point.

And while the sheer size of her following is the extreme exception, it still supports my point that it doesn't take much to get a following. However, for the more common accounts with 5 and 6 figure followings, to make real money it takes a little more.

Just look at the top earners on myfreecams and sites like that. They aren't a bunch of 10s just doing try-on hauls. They're ~5sā ā€“7s who figured out how to run the business and deliver for the buyers. Sometimes you'll get legit hot chicks in there, but what the top earners all have in common is they have a regular posting/live-cam schedule. They run sweepstakes and offer prizes. They interact with fans and take suggestions. They set goal thresholds and deliver rewards when milestones are met. They make the whole thing an experience and cater to the customers. In other words, they treat it like a business. Most are just average chicks...

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That's how even homely-looking girls can make decent bank (often more than chicks who are way hotter). Of course, they don't really have another option because they can't compete on looks, so it's kind of out of necessity. But it pays them better than most of the ones who are just used to living life on recruit difficulty, and therefore don't understand how to do OF properly. Unless you have a massive following (e.g. Malu) or some unique trait (e.g. Belle), you have to be a little more attentive to running it like a business and paying attention to what customers want.

This is just my conclusion going off the evidence of what's worked in the past. One need look no further than the evolution of CZ and Khalil and any of these other youtube crossovers who ended up doing better content. You can see the evolution of their content and how it coincided with the general mood of the buyers and the complaints being launched.

Thots evolve

When they start off coming fresh of the boat from youtube and instagram, they're shy. And they're in new territory and have no idea how to make proper content that people are willing to pay for on a large and sustainable scale, because they've never had to do it before. They're only getting on OnlyFans because they hear how much all the other thots are able to make, and their youtube monetization has dried up or been cut off entirely. It's not like they're going to do nudity right away, and they think it's as simple as just doing what they do on Instagram, but on a different platform behind a paywall.

And that actually works for a while because there's always troopers like the guy who shared the paid content in that thread by being willing to "bite the bullet" and pay to see what the thots are offering. But it doesn't last.

The e-thots flounder for a while, thanks to curious newbs who are late to the party and bite the bullet themselves, effectively replacing the earlier crop of buyers who have dropped off. This can actually work for a decent period of time. They can get away with basically doing the same lame tame stuff on repeat, but they never really experience any subscriber growth either. Eventually they get enough complaints and their numbers take a dip. At that point they either step away, or they start to learn to treat it more like a business.

CZ got scared away for a while when people started really railing into her for lame content. (It didn't help that some white knights told her that content was leaked, but she explicitly admitted that she didn't really understand what people wanted (outside of nudity), and asked for suggestions.) And she started implementing them.

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Similar with Khalil. Her tame content got repetitive and stale, her numbers declined, and she started experimenting with different things and slowly getting more risque. I went into it in the "just enough" thread.

She went from "try-on hauls", to bondage and sitting on the camera lens, to having another girl hold her bare boobs and leaving nip slips in the recorded video. Why? Because people complained and stopped paying and told her why they stopped paying.

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Getting what you want

My point is, e-thots do what they do for basically two reasons: ego/validation, and money. They can get the former from regular social media. They get on OF for the money. And once they get those first couple deposits for basically doing the same thing they would do for free on social media, that shit is hard to resist.

It's the easiest money they've ever made, and it's totally scalable (i.e. you don't have to work another hour to earn another $10, you just need one more person to buy the same video that took you 3 minutes to make.) Plus it's an ego boost, and it's almost the same thing they would be doing on social media anyway.

That's a powerful motivator, and if the people giving you that money tell you straight up what it will take for them to keep giving you money (and what will cause them to stop), most chicks will listen. It may take them a while to get the message, but once they get it, they tend to respond accordingly.

And yeah, blowing a little sunshine up someone's ass never really hurt either, particularly if that's part of what they're interested in in the first place.

So all I'm saying is, if you want a youtube chick who has made her way onto OnlyFans to deliver better content, DMs like I described is basically the easiest way to do it. If you've got an easier way, certainly let us know.
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I agree with you in absolutly everything you say, and you explained it really well

just one thing: how do you explain Kat Wonders? xD

she is extremly vanilla and probably is the chick that have more followers here, it's true that she baits with microbikinis or ''bondage'' editions, but she doesn't have evolved from regular try-on behaviour and all the subtel bold movements that she taked add 1 minute in all the 76+ hours of content that she created.

As far as I can tell, you're correct in Kat basically not evolving, but I admittedly haven't really followed her. I've been aware of her and quickly got the gist of her content and realized it wasn't worth the time. For me, she's not hot enough to get away with content that tame.

But all you have to do is look at her numbers:

kat wonders patreon subscribers.PNG

She's been on Patreon for almost 3 years and has only had five months where she even barely cracked 1000 patrons. And her top tier is only $60. And her lowest tier is only $5, and that gets you all the actual content:

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So you can pay just $5 per month and get all the normal video content, or you could double that fee and get access to her private Instagram page too! Or even better, quadruple that to $20/month and you get your name featured on a special supporters page! And for the top tier of $60/month you get a signed poster and an extra try-on video!

How many of those patrons do you think are paying more than $5?

Yeah she sold out of the special "20 days" deal, but I don't know for sure how many of those spots she originally had open. One forum member says it was 200, and she literally just opened another 25 right after I originally made this post. So assuming that first number is accurate and she sells out the rest, with a 10% Patreon fee that's around $30k just off that one tier. Not bad.

But, it's only for one month, and she only does that a few times per year, apparently. Not sure if the numbers are similar for the other special months though. This looks like some of the spiciest content she's ever done, so it may also be a bigger payday.

But her situation basically supports my whole point. She's been putting out the same lame content for nearly 3 years and she's been floundering that whole time, with no subscriber growth and stagnant revenue.

Granted, $4k/month with a couple extra $10-30k months sprinkled in there is nothing to sneeze at, but it's like I said, not the kind of serious money that's possible, even for chicks who are working with less. Again, she's certainly not a 10, but she's not a 6 either, and her more mature look might have a certain appeal for some guys. She could easily be pulling in probably two or three times as much if she'd get a little more risque and implement some better business practices.

For example, I realize some people might be into this kind of thing, and it's fine once in a while, but it seems like she has a habit of these weird outfits that are not only kind of awkward, but they don't flatter her at all.

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But, the "20 days of" theme does seem to be an example of a good business practice. It's exactly the kind of thing I was talking feels special because it's a limited time thing and it's a theme, and she limits the spots, creating scarcity. And she promotes it in advance of opening the spots, even teasing it with a video trailer and building hype for it in her regular videos that lead up to it opening. This is all the kind of thing I'm talking about with business practices. And sure enough that may be where most of her income comes from.

It's a similar story with Vicky Stark. Vicky is hotter and has shown some nudity in the past a handful of times, but her videos are even more similar to each other than Kat's. She doesn't even attempt to change the scenery and doesn't really try to make it feel like she's interacting with the viewers. And as everyone has complained, her lighting is usually pretty bad, and she usually puts a horrible blur filter on the videos, fucking up the quality.

I'm sure these are things they've both been told, but they haven't seemed to care, at least until recently.

And sure enough, it doesn't look like Vicky ever even cracked 1000 patrons on Patreon. Granted, her tiers are more expensive, but she's also younger and better looking, and her content is gets more risque than Kat, so she can afford to charge more. Kat tries to make up for it with better lighting, better video quality, changing the view sometimes and getting close to the camera and talking to the viewers in a more personable way, but that can only get you so far when you aren't extremely hot and look as old as she does. Like I said, the lessor chicks can make bank, but they have to be willing to do what the hot girls won't.

In any case, my point still stands, they both have stagnated on a low rung for basically their entire 3 years on the platform. Granted, they're making a pretty decent living. I'm just saying they could be doing considerably more. With something that's totally scalable like thotting online, you can gain exponentially on your efforts. Little changes to boost sales end up being like 1+1 =3, because, again, you make a video once, but can sell it an infinite number of times.

That being said, Vicky has been getting a little more explicit over the last few months...

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They also both started OnlyFans recently, and they both hide their subscriber count, so it's difficult to gauge what they might be making there. Kat has 87 posts and charges $5/month, and Vicky has only 7 posts and charges $50/month... the same prices as their Patreon accounts.

It seems like they might both be recycling content from their Patreon, but I can't say for sure what differences there might be.

But it looks like they're both getting more risque. Vicky doing see-through lingerie, and giving clear nude shots. And Kat doing the bondage S&M stuff. So I'm sure that's helping. Plus I wouldn't be surprised if it's easier to get subscribers on OnlyFans because it's more synonymous with overt sexual content.

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So they both seem to support my point:

Give the fans what they want, or stagnate. They both did the latter for nearly 3 years.
They finally seem to be at least making an attempt at the former now.
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This thread in summary is basically just a reminder of the male breeding instinct in effect. We cannot look at the same girl, same content, same thing over and over and continue to remain aroused. It doesn't work, so the incentive to spend money disappears. PPV sales stop, and then subscriptions stop. OR at the very least, the money goes to another girl instead.

Just as we are drawn to nudity we've never seen before, they are drawn to the money coming in. The only making things change so slowly is like you said, these first time subscribers who don't know and the masochist simp weirdos.
  • Clown
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anyone have a sub-count to see if they are increasing/decreasing? Just wondering.
Her patreons were the most she's had ever last month and i think similar for june. So no incentive to mix it up if its working better than ever lol.
According to this Kat hit her all time peak in late May and has dropped significantly since then.

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It makes sense, as May was her "25 days of micro bikinis", and she kept raising the limit on that subscription. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the cause for the momentary boost.


The peak before that was June 2020 (deep in the pandemic lockdown when this kind of thing was surging in popularity, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was another 25 days thing). Aside from that, she's been pretty steady at 700-950 subscribers for almost her entire tenure on Patreon.

What's more, I mentioned this in post #2 , but you basically get access to all her Patreon content by just having the $5 per month tier. That's why it all leaks so predictably. The other rewards are basically nothing. Access to a private Instagram page and your name featured on a special supporters page. The highest tier of $60/month gets you a signed poster and an extra try-on video (which, if you're paying $5 and getting two per week, plus her youtube, which is all the same stuff, I'm not sure you'd even notice the extra.)

So I wouldn't be surprised if more than 80% of her patrons are paying $10 or less.

That being said, as I mentioned before, even if it was 100% $5 subscribers, that's still ā‰ˆ$4500/month on average. So while it's not "better than ever," it ain't bad. Throw in the extra $30k per quarter for the "25 days" specials, plus what she's getting from OnlyFans and any other monetization schemes, and she's doing pretty good.

So yeah, no real need to not phone it in on the standard Patreon. Again, it's probably her lowest earning thing.

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I'm convinced its newcomers. There's people here who were big on her and aren't nearly as enthused anymore. Her YouTube is a good draw to get people to her Patreon. I said before that if you haven't seen much of her stuff before the Patreon stuff looks enticing. Sub for a while and you notice there's little change.
Exactly. The industry term is "churn". If you have enough of a social media presence, you can count on a certain amount of curious newbs who are late to the party and buy in to check it out themselves. They effectively replace the earlier crop of buyers who have dropped off. If you're good-looking enough and/or your content is just spicy enough, or even if your front-end funnel is popular enough, this can actually work for a decent period of time.

This is why these e-thots rely so heavily on social media. It's almost like a Ponzi scheme where they constantly need new money to keep it going. Social media is the exposure vehicle that functions as the faucet that provides a constant influx of new customers to replace the ones who cancel.

As I was saying earlier, it's why accounts like hers have basically been in the same place for 3 years. She doesn't improve her content, doesn't bother to do anything to grow, so she doesn't. But she offers just enough and has just enough of a social media presence that she can at least maintain revenue.

I suppose the low price point doesn't hurt either. When you think about it, it's comparatively a decent amount of content for $5/month. I'm sure plenty of subscribers know the drill by now, are tired of it, but it's such a negligible amount that they're willing to let it ride on the off chance she does something interesting.

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