Requests Sesskasays

Deleted member 675778

Deleted Account
Oct 2, 2020
I wish she had something! I get off to this girl a LOT!


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I know for 100% there are at least topless pics out there of her. Back before her channel properly blew up, she used to sell privately on Snapchat. Her husband found out and told all her family and friends before splitting up with her, which is why you never see him or hear him mentioned anymore and also why she's moved twice in the last couple of years, because it keeps coming back to bite her.
I used to have some but lost them on an old phone that got stolen. They must be out there somewhere and the only thing I can suggest is make sure you constantly check left arms for all those freckles/moles in any nudes you see without the face in (she never included her face).
Jakolantern, I have never read such shit in all my life.

Where to begin. Firstly, she's still married you plum - note the wedding ring she has always worn here
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- the reason she moves around is not because she's, what, running from her family and friends? But because her husband is a high ranking military officer and so he gets moved around bases every few years. It's odd the last 2 times she's moved you claim to be because "it keeps coming back to bite her", but her moving that time just before you supposedly bought nudes was a legit house move?

She was a wedding planner around the time you described, probably making 6 figures, but you think she'd be selling nudes on Snapchat? And also I note how you say "I was the only one who managed to buy something", so how did you find out she was doing that? If she used to sell privately? And how did you know she broke up with her husband and is being supposedly hunted down by family and friends? Like, are you okay?

And the classic, had all the photos on my phone but my phone got stolen.

Sorry to everyone else who got excited by this, but for whatever reason Jakolantern is posting his fantasies on here that presumably must get him off in some way. I feel you need to speak to someone.
This isn't some quantum physics theoretical discussion, it's a porn sharing website. A dude (he/she/they Jakolantern ) said they've seen nudes, and that they can't be the only ones that have seen them. There are absolutely zero nudes of sesskasays leaked on the internet anywhere at all period. Which is 99.99% in favor of arguing that nudes of sesskasays doesn't exist, except in her husband's (if he's still her husband) data/ cell/ computer.

So, the biggest issue I have is not with attacking Jakolantern , but with wondering why they would waste our tiddy finding time with stupid bullshit. I want to see juicy flopping big YouTube tiddies, and I like sesskasays a lot, and someone said they 'saw them but didn't have them but I was so lucky, it sucks to be you guys'

And there's literally no proof of it ON THE INTERNET despite the thought that "SHE WAS SELLING THEM ON SNAPCHAT"

like, you don't think some 16 year old dude spent 5 bux to see boobies, then copy and pasted them to ANY website?
*shrug* wasn't expecting to get so vehemently attacked when I posted here šŸ˜‚
I haven't lied, everything I've posted was true. As someone else pointed out the ring she wears isn't even on her ring finger all the time.
As for "posting and then having nothing to show for it"...literally my entire reason for posting was that I don't have them anymore! I did consider leaking them at the time but bottled it because I didn't see anything else of hers leaking anywhere and so I thought at the time that if I was the only one she was selling to, for whatever reason be it she was just beyond drunk when she first did it or whatever, then it could only possibly be me that leaked them and I had no interest in getting in that kind of trouble.
I posted here not to get off or lead anyone was in the desperate hope that someone else might have got something or that, knowing those pictures exist, someone might recognise her body when they stumble onto a randomly posted pic one day. She has a very distinct mole pattern on her body which everyone can see because she is so liberal with the loose clothing (thank god).
But if you don't want to believe me, absolutely fine. I feel the reaction was entirely unnecessary though when at the end of day we all want the same thing, which is to see her magnificent bouncy tits posted in this thread.
Oh yes, itā€™s me, Jess, you got me. Fml. Youā€™ve still to provide any kind of description of anything you saw. It seems youre asking us to trawl through millions of naked chicks and inspect their arms for moles. What are her tits like? Nipples, legs, any distinct markings?? Give us something cus so far youā€™ve given nothing.