Off Topic Same guy fucking different girls (collections)

Dec 5, 2023

There was at least a third video from this guy ("army captian fuckin chick" on PH) but I cant find it.

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There was a long list of people who fucked diff girls with links and it was ordered by active or inactive and what platform they used.
unless I'm trippin and it was on a diff forum?
1 Comment
breachstone commented
The site went down for a bit and lost data. That's when we lost a lot of the thread

Deleted member 5182751

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Newbie Getting Addicted I LIKE IT!
Nov 4, 2023
Same guy fucking different milfs. Does anybody know who this guy is? If someone has more videos of him please share.

seethroughau commented
I've put together a collection others may find useful. Some of the videos are from a source that I can watch but can't download so I had to screencap them. Sorry for the relatively large size of those. If anyone speaks Spanish, I'd love to know what his chat-up routine is. Some of the videos (like "Gianluca screen cap 12") appear to show the whole process -- which is why they're so long.

bigchenga commented
Incredible. Thank you so much for taking the time/effort to screencap them (even thought the files are large, the quality is good)!
seethroughau commented
I've just added "Gianluca screen cap 13" to my collection above. Not great quality because the lighting was challenging but I'm a bit OCD once I start collecting stuff. You might want to preview a bit before downloading. On the plus side, he does pick up the cam for some close-ups towards the end.

I'm not like farming by just adding one at a time now. They occur irregularly. Do people want me to notify each addition or shall I leave it to you to check for yourself every now and then?
bigchenga commented
Whatever works better/is easier for you, I wouldn't mind a heads-up/notification when a new one's up. Downloading the new one at the moment :).
seethroughau commented
Gianluca screen cap 14 & 15 are there now
Figho8888 commented
Have you geo locked the files? I can't download them from some countries
seethroughau commented
I wouldn't know how to do that even if I wanted to -- which I don't.
Figho8888 commented
Okay. For some reason, I can download some Bunkr albums easily, but some albums require a VPN to download. That's why I asked.
bigchenga commented
Thank you for uploading screencap 16 :), much appreciated.
seethroughau commented
No problem. Not sure if there'll be any more though. He's posted nothing but teasers for the last few days.
seethroughau commented
17 now up.
pedropanda89 commented
wow i thought gianluca is caught and now in jail? Is he free now? Or just someone uploading his old vids that he collected before getting caught?
seethroughau commented
I'm afraid I have no idea who's posting this stuff or how old it really is -- and I don't speak Spanish so all I know is what I see.
seethroughau commented
17b and 18 now up
pedropanda89 commented
dude i download some of your vids and noticed that some of them have interlapping audios/sounds like u can hear other vids playing? I mean aside from that u are doing really well thanks man.
seethroughau commented
If you can give me an example I'll try to work out what the issue is sometime tomorrow.
bigchenga commented
I'd noticed that as well, but didn't bring it up because you are putting in the work/effort to share this with us. Anyway, take a look at Screencap 14 and go to about 4-minutes in, you'll hear both Japanese audio and Spanish. Anyway, not a big deal deal at all.
seethroughau commented
Well I can hear what you guys are talking about. I suspect it was in the original video but I can't confirm that because it has been removed from the site. If there are other examples you can give I'll look for them too -- but I doubt there's much I'll be able to do about it. Sorry.
bigchenga commented
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it at all.
seethroughau commented
Screencap 19 is up
seethroughau commented
Surely someone can speak Spanish and explain to me what the hell's going on with these encounters. Anyway, Screencap 20 is up.

Oh! I just noticed this is a slightly longer version of: GIANLOCRO-WITH-MACHONA. You may not want to bother.
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stormish commented
seethroughau commented
Screencap 21 is up
seethroughau commented
Screencaps 22 & 23 are up. Sound becomes quite unsynchronised on 23 but the original was like that.
DoctorKups commented
seethroughau commented
Well that was disappointing. There are lots of new first halves in there. :cry:
xanov24 commented
which screencap is the video from above comment. thanks
seethroughau commented
Unfortunately they don't have names on the source I'm getting them from. That's why I'm just giving them generic screencap numbers. I think the video DoctorKups referenced is new (at least, to me) -- which is why it's so disappointing it's not complete.
Hakedbro7 commented
I couldn't find it bro only premium groups are showing up :(
Hakedbro7 commented
Appreciate the efforts brother you're a legend. You can try using 1dm browser you can download any video from any site using 1DM.
Hakedbro7 commented
Billionaire7 commented
can you please upload those 20 videos to bunkr?
seethroughau commented
It's definitely there. Search for gianlucamdls121

There are actually 17 videos in that channel and they're all in my Bunkr.
Billionaire7 commented
Great collection keep them coming whats the source of all these videos are there anymore videos? If you share the source i can help in downloading them and upload to your bunkr.
seethroughau commented
They're various TG groups and channels including the one I mentioned above. That was the best one but, unfortunately, they only posted 17 videos with the last being on January 16. There are several other channels and groups (just search for gianluca) but I think they're all setup by the same guy who's just selling stuff. He occasionally posts videos which he somehow makes undownloadable and they're the ones I screencap. Even those are few and far between. Please do join in the hunt! I'd be happy to hear about any finds.
pedropanda89 commented
do u think its the original owner of the vids which is gianluca himself? Afaik he got caught last year by the police either in peru or mexico because one of the girls he secretly record found out about his stuff and reported it to the authorities thats why i got interested because some girls are really amateur pick ups not the scripted ones . Too bad i dont speak/understand spanish and the convos doesnt have english translations for non spanish speakers
Billionaire7 commented
The easiest way to save videos from such groups is to download an app called file manager just watch the videos or load the videos and they all will be saved in file manager app inside tg folder. Then you can copy or cut the videos and paste them in any folder of your gallery.
Billionaire7 commented
Heres 1 video which isn't in your bunkr i think this site has more videos of him.

seethroughau commented
Interesting site -- don't go there without an effective ad-blocker!. I couldn't quickly find anymore but I'll add that one to my Bunkr tomorrow. Thanks!

Edit: Upload complete.
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pedropanda89 commented
that site sucks its unwatchable even i use brave browser. Can u download it and upload to gofile or bunkr instead?
Billionaire7 commented
Even i use Brave browser works fine for me enable aggressive ad blocker you'll find that in your brave browser settings.
seethroughau commented
Another new video loaded to my Bunkr courtesy of Billionaire7. It's called Gianluca T1. That makes 50! Keep looking everyone.
tufkal commented
seethroughau commented
Yes, that's "GIANLOCRO-WITH-TIA-FROM-MALL". Thanks for looking though.
pedropanda89 commented
seethroughau commented
Alas no. All my TG sources have stopped updating and I can't find any new ones.
seethroughau commented
A nice Spanish speaker posted a link that probably got him deleted this morning. It was not in vain and I'll update the collection soon. Thank you very much.
seethroughau commented
bigchenga commented
Thank you so much!
Yakine34 commented
seethroughau commented
seethroughau commented
Another one added
Yakine34 commented
seethroughau commented
I don't know what to tell you. It works. It even plays on-site.
Billionaire7 commented
it's working appropriate your efforts champ!
seethroughau commented
A bit of an update:

Added video_2024-05-27_11-48-57 which is the prelude to video_2024-05-27_11-48-39 -- which, in turn, is a better version of the old Watch pareja - Sexo Latino Sexo Casero Latina Porn - SpankBang (2). It's only marginally better so you can skip that.

More efficient replacements for some of my screen caps (though I've left the old ones for now):
video_2024-05-27_12-18-12 replaces Gianluca screen cap 17b
replaces Gianluca screen cap 17
replaces Gianluca screen cap 2


All in the same folder:
Mike Fisher commented
Thanks for all your hard work my friend !
Do you have any more videos of him picking up the girls before sex (going on dates, etc), those are interesting as well for context.
seethroughau commented
A couple more. I'm not drawing this out, it's just how I find them. If you'd rather I only notify when there's several new or not notify at all let me know.

Added video_2024-05-30_14-34-48 which is the prelude to Gianluca T1

Mike Fisher commented
Thank you for all your hard work!
I've been enjoying this series a lot.
bigchenga commented
I like the notifications / small updates :), these are great. Thank you!
Monde05 commented
I just discovered these series and im very intrigued. I do speak spanish, so I'll listen to see if theres's a pattern and let you folks know
Dont have any full vids. Amateur interracial teens from tinder.
ZERO83 commented
not worth it all *** are BS with 30 second videos
r@ndomus3r commented
Is it all amateur? Like actually tinder hookups or just whores?
Phosgene commented
This is just some page reposting random videos from all over the internet, not even the same guy in any of them.
EbonyGhettoSlayer69 commented
just a ninja paying hookers..the videos are not amateur

This man has a girl, who allows him to fuck other women, some with boyfriends, or married. Seems like they’re in an open relationship, they have threesomes, sometimes the women just watch and don’t join in. Going by the titles it seems he fucks at his crib or the womens apt, even in their workplaces lol.
ZERO83 commented
Sorry for the late post. Someone on here mention Sasha man, but google didn't find anything. Its in Chinese and I don't know shit. wish we have the full collection from this guy, he fucks Russians or Ukraine not sure. There is also HKAsianMeat, his video is long gone but some are still around. Thats also another one I'm looking for as well.
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ZERO83 commented
punishertheone commented
he really fucks russians & ukraine ? wow anyone have any link bunkr or gofile ?? any link to locate ?
punishertheone commented
yeah same here need to know more about him too ! anyone kind to share more ? what was his name ?

Deleted member 4714621

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Newbie Getting Addicted
Feb 4, 2023
he fucks a bunch of girls from dating apps
