Requests craveangel / Angel Shaunta

She was on OnlyFans for awhile like a year ago, then left. Does anyone have any of the pics she posted while she was on there? Or anything else?

Akux commented
Yes. She and Zilla has a child....
serenoss commented
Bjstacks132 commented
his ex name is raine she used to be in his YouTube videos and used to help him record his videos from when he will go to reality wrestling that’s own by booker t and him and his mom and the mom’s boyfriend used to live with her in some apartments in in Houston, Texas and she kicked him and his mom out and the boyfriend as well because they didn’t wanna pay rent. They only pay rent like two times in two months like before he was living with her of course y’all know that he was in jail and she had ended up like doing a lot for him like putting money on his books and was like buying him food and they was dating for three years and they known each other since high school and then he ended up getting her pregnant and he started like mistreating her and like cheating on her with other girls, including Angel and beating on her unfortunately she ended up losing the baby do the stress and his mom knew about it, but didn’t tell her and then he was like putting hands on her and stuff and she actually tried to come out about this in the beginning when it was happening and she posted it on TikTok, but zilla got in contact with her and told her to take it down because it was making him look bad and all of his family started threatening her telling her to take it down and making it seem like she was crazy and she ended up taking it down because she got scared and then one day she wanted to find out if Zilla was really cheating on her so she like basically concoct a plan and he had ended up coming to her apartment and he brought Angel to the apartment so she started confronting him like basically like trying to prove a point that he was cheating on her with another girl and she said that Zilla got like physical with her the in front of his mom and Angel and his mom didn’t do nothing and that Angel was standing there, smiling and acting like she was all lucky Letting Zilla hit own her and then that’s when raine started putting his ass on TikTok and then she ended up posting on her story about what happened. I can show y’all the screenshots and then his mom ended up like finding out about it because remember, I said his family found out about it. His mom started gaslighting the ex and saying that she ain’t seen anything, but she literally seen him put his hands on her it’s not his first time putting hands on her in front of his mom and she has video proof, but unfortunately, she had to take it down because like I said earlier, his people was threatening to her take it down him and his mom and his family was trying to come out with a video and trying to get a restraining order on her when it was actually him and they only was doing that because they know he’s an upcoming wrestler and he on the rise and they don’t want him to be tarnished because he’s the breadwinner and they think he gonna put money in a pocket.
Bjstacks132 commented
yes she has a child with him they had a lil boy she named him Eki because zilla’s dad nick name is Eki which is weird because she don’t even know him he doesn’t know she exists she just want’s to be in his family for clout and status that’s all and the fact that she new zilla’s ex social media didn’t tell her that Zilla was messing with her and the ex confronted her ass in DMs and she reply with your bald headed when the ex has long hair Angel really can’t be talking because she a catfish and Zilla be playing her ass the fact that he still be tryanna contact the ex and ask for money and be tryanna get back with the ex and telling the ex his business about how he as another baby on the way by this Mexican girl which I don’t know who that is I don’t know if she had the baby yet but yeah he ended up getting someone else pregnant while messing with Angel and he was talking about when he makes more than enough money, he was cutting off Angel.