Requests - jadektty | Social Media Girls

hot twitter hoe with 50k followers

cheap OF (4.99) and i was able to ask if it is PPV and she said , nah just the membership. lmk if you got her team🙏🏽

check out her twitter/snapchat to see what she looks like boyz. she fine as hell🔥 id post all her free content out but dont got a fast way to do it🥶
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anyone wanna split the price and buy into her priv twitter? she told me it’s £25. i’ll post her stuff.
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Reactions: Just_bants
Traeboy13 commented
Could you screen record it?
Grouped4076 commented
Social Pirate commented

All the stars and planets aligned somehow if she added you. She is so fucking useless. She is just scamming people at this point and blaming it on mental health. NO ONE SUPPORT HER. SHE IS MENTALLY AFK.
bla1337 commented