I decided to subscribe her, and guys do yourselves a favor and spend that money better..
Her OF info says she posts daily (she doesnt), and she sends daily free content privately (again, a big fat lie). Decided to check the date of the previous posts and there are 3-4 day delays between some of them, but i've found 2 posts with a week apart from each other! That's already a quarter of your subscription time wasted.
The only things she sent me so far is two sub 3 ppv videos for $10 each. I can only imagine her hardcore costs somewhere in the $20-30 range.
Her photos are mostly of her tits, pussy slips only at best, and the videos are 20-30sec long where he only exposes her breasts. Now of course for $7 you cant expect premium content, but still... many free pages show more and you don't even need to pay for it.