Requests Meur

Thedarkdelight69 commented
This is super annoying and super crazy. I find this happens all the time it could be weeks or weeks or months and then something gets posted and then you look and it’s the same thing that’s been posted at least 10 times in the past 2 to 6 months.
kreciu69 commented
Yep, that's how bumping works on this site, Sherlock. It's still not as bad as useless posts and comments.
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1 Comment
Yeah_whatever commented
Did you thought that posting a "nn free youtube video" after all those great real leaks is such a great idea?
hhound commented
Whta happened with the sound?
realcritic commented
I just downloaded it and have no issue with sound
hhound commented
Please check again and repost it, for the love of the lord. this especific video needs the sound and you know it.
glumog commented
Playing the video through a different media player fixed the sound issue for me.
Meur getting ready for you
simooo75 commented
Jethroanderson commented

I wish. I would buy a subscription but I can’t swing $100 per month
Thedarkdelight69 commented
Well, I’m going to guess and assume that this particular one this link pretty much has been on its last leg for a while because the same the same videos keep getting reposted for the past 34 months maybe longer every time I check for a notification it’s the same one somebody posted four months ago just getting repostedI don’t get it but OK
kreciu69 commented
Nothing is getting reposted. Somebody is bumping the thread, thats all. I'm suprised you don't know how it works, since you've been using this site since 2021.