Requests - Natsume Eri / natsueri / pokabe_com | Social Media Girls

Requests Natsume Eri / natsueri / pokabe_com

Any info on this japanese chick. She is sex educator/sex blogger, focusing mainly kinks, fetish, techniques and sex story. Promotes hell lot of sex toys. And she makes content in English too, Kawaiii.
Does anyone know if she had been into JAV or done more hardcore stuffs in her past? Does she moonlights as a JAV model? Onlyfans?

Some goodies
She changed her social ids. Is she on to us?

Also used to go by eri_from_japan targeted at us outsider. Hopefully she starts doing more stuffs.

Turns out Eri is a free spirit who enjoys participating in the World Naked Bike Ride (Credit to OG who dug her out from another forum).
Her blog says she participated in the Naked Bike Ride in 2014, Portland, Oregon.
Anybody got more of this chick?

Some goodies from WNBR reddit