Fakes request. some fakes vid. i really want it

This vid not on sexcelebrity and deepfakeporn. And not working this way

"deepfakeporn, preminum stuff:
step1. Press Ctrl+Shift+C (F12 and clicky on top left corner).
step2. click on the thumbnail of the video.
step3. Now in the elements section of devtools, the img tag will be highlighted. Note that it starts with <img> tag.
step4. Inside <img> search for src that contains image address. It should look like " ".
Note down Number1 and Number2 (very important).
step5. Open new tab and go to " ". Number1 and Number2 are the numbers from image address.
And there you have it.

p/s: change "media2 3 4" or just "media" base one the number, usually on divide by 5000"

isn't it? another way Existence?

Can anyone please give me a full version of this video? I really want it.
