Off Topic The Black List Project

Hello fellow leakers, I have decided to start the Black List Project.
Recently OnlyFans has decided to implement DRM (Digital Rights Management) into their site. This new implementation will not allow users to download the creators content.
Obviously this is a huge impact to SocialMediaGirls and to us, the community.
It is now time to fight back, just like in Hollywood I have decided to start a Black List. This list will consists of users who have DRM implemented on their page.
If their account is listed on the following post please refrain from supporting them. Unsubscribe and Unfollow them from any social media including but not limited to: Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc.
Do not buy their content, and for ANY other creator that is found supporting the black listed creator they will incur a temporary Black List called the Grey List.
Fellow leakers, it’s time to show these creators who actually makes them famous. It’s not their social media marketing or who they have connections with or even who they make content with. It’s US who makes them famous, who gives them the exposure necessary to not have to work a 9 to 5. It’s us who make it possible to spend more time with their families doing what they love.

Fellow leakers, spread the word and bump this thread it’s time to MAKE ONLYFANS GREAT AGAIN

**If you have any ideas or suggestions please comment them under this post.**
**If you want to add a user to the Black List comment on the post with the list**
**To have this thread as clean as possible please delete your comment once the user has been added to the Black List**
Jun 13, 2024
You know, you could also start using passive screen recorders to avoid the whole DRM issue if you are on a computer. One of the major factors that seem to hinder getting content from "DRM protected" videos is that you all try and directly download the video file because its easier and quicker. I'd recommend you all start using programs like Debut or something similar and learn how to use it. Smartphone apps don't work well and trying to directly download a file from DRM protected sites is useless. Screen capture with the audio source. It will take longer, but it works.