Off Topic Who has it worse?

I kinda feel sorry for them (women in general) because they are so worried about their looks and can't catch a break either way.

See, girls don't ask for opinions, they ask for validation. She hates that she has no boobs and wants to get implants. If you say "Please don't, you look great the way you are!", she'll get mad because she'll think you are lying to her (telling her what she wants to hear). If you say "Great, go ahead, wonderful decision!", she'll get mad because she'll think you don't like her the way she is.
Fucking absolutely! There's no reason someone as gorgeous as her needed any kind of alterations - but somehow she looks at other women modeling with fake boobs (and clearly fake) and says to herself I need those??? Social media is a bitch lol
I do empathize with the hardships that come with being a female and wouldn't want to trade places with them, but it's not like it doesn't have its perks. And it's certainly not like it's all sunshine and roses being a male.

That's the part that they seem to neglect, pretending as though if only they were a guy all their problems would go away and the world would become their oyster. It's funny...they act like a red carpet is rolled out for every guy simply because he's a guy, yet can easily see how hard so many guys have it...from finances, to life balance, to romantic success. Hell, they spend a ton of their time rejecting these guys. And if a chick plays her cards right, she can essentially have a pretty easy life essentially handed to her...through the efforts of men.

Sure, this is harder the less attractive she is, but really if a girl learns the proper social skills, red carpets do get rolled out. And if she's an 8+, skills aren't even needed. And even if it's not the lifestyle, there's still plenty of the everyday benefits bestowed on women simply because they're women...which they never seem to want to acknowledge. Examples abound.

And on the other side, just look at the lopsided suicide rate. It's literally 80% men/20% women. But there's been several studies concluding that over the years, men's happiness increases, while women's peaks in the late 20s-early 30s. Ultimately I think this has a lot to do with the traits that make for a high value man (financial wealth, high status, strong personality) don't fade with age, and in fact often increase with it, whereas for women, value/attractiveness (at least in the eyes of heterosexual partners) comes largely from beauty and youth. Women do tend to have better/more/stronger social connections, which can help them through tough times, and is part of the reason their suicide rate is so much lower, but ultimately I think men have a little more control over the things they tend to want in life, which is where I think the gap in happiness comes from...

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society is (has been) putting more & more pressure on everybody in many ways. Sure, there's more pressure for women to look better/younger, sooner & longer. There's more pressure to make more money. Earning a dollar is getting harder and much more competitive, while everything is raising in price, and society encourages us to buy in order to be happy. There's more pressure to get an education, more pressure to be politically correct, to eat correctly, drive a nice car, obey & consume. I'm sure we could think of 100's of ways pressure builds on all of us. I believe this is due to our relationship with the rest of the world, and people trying to sell you something or some idea, 24/7. We can now connect with everyone at any time for any reason, constantly competing with the 'best example' of something whether it be a model, woman, job, possessions, bank account. Back in the day, you basically were just surrounded by your friends/family, and people in your city, and a little bit of TV/Movies......but today, the internet/TV/movies has become peoples lives. I'm glad I got to live in the world (80's & 90's) before it went to shit after 2000 or so.
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That's a pretty solid nail on the head coverage of a good bit of it, but just like everyone else women desire power/status/ranking....especially among their own. There are exceptions and outliers in the lot, but we don't base the generalization of the skew results.

I mean yeah, there is obvious differences between men and women; pay gap myth, body mass/strength, social norm upbringings, emotional and bio imperatives.
By that I just mean the obvious that Christina isn't beating Jarrett in a track race, without the 2nd amendment Vicky inst winning any sudden surprise fight for life scenarios, and I doubt cage the mom is gonna make the hard decisions about emotional financial issues that effect our lively hood.

That said, we are all equal by law and socially*.
we all use what we have to make it some way. I am in STEM field and I can't tell you how many girls are sold the bill of lies about physics and end up dropping or lowering to astronomy because they either cant: spend the time, ability, or something of value of trade in that arena.

If a girl wants to get fake tits to try and swim in a flooded Insta field thinking thats their key to victory...let em. I just hope it brings the girl some confidence and happiness, because that's all that matters anyway.

>I have been drinking so take all these with a grain of salt.
If a girl wants to get fake tits to try and swim in a flooded Insta field thinking thats their key to victory...let em. I just hope it brings the girl some confidence and happiness, because that's all that matters anyway.

>I have been drinking so take all these with a grain of salt.

Absolutely ?