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Today February 6th is Tia__moon real birthday she will probably stream or post on her fansly that February 13th is her birthday so her Simps will send her tips or money don't be fooled by this bitch, she has a boyfriend,As I know she scammed two guys who gave her a lot of money they asked her to do something in pvt and she didn't want to and after she block them and ban from CB
Petplander commented
Apparently she went again on a trip to Turkey with her boyfriend, I'm still not sure, I'll confirm it later.
Petplander commented
Well yes, she is in Turkey with her boyfriend Alexander
She only streamed these days for earn money to go on a trip hahaha
Petplander commented
She is still in Türkiye with her boyfriend, the psychologist
Petplander commented
They just returned to Russia a few hours ago