Ok, here we go.
everything i am aware of:

I also made a pretty long compilation if any one is interested.
tacojones commented
Ok, here it is. I def don't mind posting it since i will never finish it bc I now have around 35 gigs over her stuff. I had about 8 gigs and the rest i got from a private tracker. Ain't nobody got time to edit all that into a full vieo so... whats the best way to upload all of it? can we do torrents? It has to be drag and drop i don't have a ton of time to reformat stuff to fit file size limits and shit.


Deleted member 1294421 commented
I met her back in 2015 way before she started all of this, she worked at a smoke shop, me and my buddies went in and I walked out with her number. She was cool, was really into EDM festivals and lonboarding, but it never really went anywhere — and as fate would have it, I moved away and she started making porn. Now we’re all here lmfao
mentlegen1231 commented
link doesnt work. It takes me back here
Jayblues68 commented
Based on her last TikTok she lives 40 ish minutes from me now