Requests Jordannas3dart jordanna 10xjordanna


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1 Comment
Judaspriest4u commented
A true hero!
jordannatanna / Jordanna3dart / 10xjordanna

Sternenreich commented
I still fucking don't understand why does she still not show her face on nude photos? Everybody know that those are her photos so what the fuck?🤷‍♂️
Darth89 commented
I am not sure but it always seemed to me that her face is CGI. I once found an instagram account, linking to one of her artwork accounts, with pictures of person with different face but very similar body. Other time, I discovered that one of her instagram pictures was just photo from internet with her face - image search on google revealed it. Since she seems to be proficient with image processing software I think that her face may be photoshopped.
Sternenreich commented
I’m at the point also thinking the Face is Photoshopped or AI, on first image you can clearly see an Error at the Chin with the choker, the jaw on the second is weird with the hand, if you zoom in, and the left eye (right on the foto) you can find an Error on the eyelash.
Then it would make perfect sense why most of her Pics are shooted with the face 100% streight forward to the cam.
So im with the theory, that her face is completly fake 😭
ByeBye Love
ByeBye Love commented
It does not wonder me actually. I also found a few fakes that used pics from girls and make money with it. And funny that OF is doing nothing about the stolen ones at least - even with proper proof.
BradLA commented
True, OF tries tho, though you can only make 1 Paid and 1 Acc/Profile per ID, but yeah they also don't give a F cause they make money with it too I guess. You can get your money back if you bought from a fake account / confirmed fake / AI via the support tho!
ByeBye Love
ByeBye Love commented
Well, I tried that... they did not respond properly to my 39 messages. Still ongoing.
mickeyPog commented
if only that isn't even real. meaning that cock is also fake. it's rubber. it's a dildo.
Not mine
Never shows any face, fishy, anyway nice body:

wollolo commented
there are some videos on bunkr where parts of the face are shown, her real face looks at least similar to the one in the picture (but not excatly the same I think)
Here are good examples (videos from fansly):
2022-12-17 12-32-42 460475869928894464.mp4
2022-12-14 13-32-33 459403765603115011.mp4
prelogic3081 commented
ByeBye Love
ByeBye Love commented
Could you post the links, please? :)
BradLA commented
cant see it, but very interested!
wollolo commented

It's in the album BradLA posted :)
(towards the end of the video)
Sternenreich commented

OK, when I watched first video I got scared that it's even some old milf fucking our brains, then watched the second one and got a little off - thanks God she's still young, but still not sure about face. Not exact the same or exact the same? Who's fucking with us: she or our paranoia and imagination?

wollolo commented

funny thing is, i'd pay extra to see her real face. she looks good. if pics are AI or not. (probably are)
BradLA commented
So its just some heavy AI Filtering she uses?, I mean a lot of girls do that. I mean she looks "very!" young on her insta
shamewizard69 commented
thats what they do, basically they apply a young (very young) filter and make sure its perfect (and that the body matches and all that), and it hits home with a lot of people who like teen/young faces. Its an insidious thing to do...
ByeBye Love
ByeBye Love commented
Its as far as I know now 100% clear that the face is AI generated / heavily altered.