Requests emmammayo

Key: 8g7qHdih4QzJr9c4hCu-G_S_4bIkRr0s98JJJ7PmZUc
Nick4tical commented

WTF YOU THINK I’M DOING??? I’m sitting here critically thinking “huh now why would this retard want us to know what his cock looks like? Is he gay? Is he trying to show off in some way? Etc 🤔
Pinklambo42 commented
Nick4tical commented
Yea great comeback 👍
Just keep your dick out of the conversation bruh, thanks
Pinklambo42 commented
Well we already had a dick in the conversation and it started with you ❤️
Nick4tical commented
YOUR DICK is the reason for this whole thread, retard. Stfu already for the love of Gawd you’ve embarrassed yourself enough.