Requests Darlingsterling


Meowko Stan
Jan 30, 2021
45 min handbra. Didn't check for any slips or flashes. Have fun looking.

Kuiz83 commented
the fact she says to see nudes you have to subscribe and then ASK for it is the most sus part lol. The most clear evidence of agency involvement and the paying pyramid unlock. So none of the "nudes" are available to buy on her feed, all done through DM where they can ramp up the prices sequentially. Unless someone hits the jackpot and wants to take a hit for the team we'll never see if here nudes are actual nudes. got to hope for a cam slip.
Picklerick99 commented
I couldn't say for certain, but there were a few moments during the hand bra where it looked like she was wearing flesh colored pasties
Mathanpom commented
Been on that hahaha
Ciccio-Pasticcio commented
I confirm the pyramid schema, I found at least 3 girls usinge the same schema.. They usually have a promotion to get in for a fee bucks and right away they get you a selection of pics for $20. Then the schema start, $25, 36, 48 till 100 to see her to rub her pussy. This girl has the same schema:
found on another forum:
Cxxxrx commented
man I really built my account from ground up with so many channels I was watching, now I don't know half of the recent channels I was watching. Like I can't recall some of the recent threads I was watching.
mr-fake commented

i experienced the same when they once banned my old account that was simpcouncil Status with thousands of likes. I started to use a .txt file with links to threads I was curious about (along with watched threads)
JST100 commented
White knights are probably rejoicing at the site being down
tulkasvala commented
Hope there is a alternative in a few days, fingers crossed
thotsimp commented
"Custom-made replacement" does not sound promising. Most of these sites use the Xenforo software to manage the forum (SMG included), and I doubt that one dude, or even a handful of dudes, could replicate the functionality of something as robust as that, and certainly not in a short amount of time. Hopefully they don't mean that they're writing a custom forum application from scratch and just that they're finding an alternative - otherwise we might never see SC again.
Valmunt commented
thotsimp a guy who knows what he is talking about ✍️
johndoe375123 commented
How does the site go from a 3 month data loss to needing a completely new solution to managing their forum though
throwawaydude commented
I am baffled too. Let's hope it will all be OK.
tothemoon123 commented
Any other good places to check out until they're back up?
JST100 commented

Probably got greedy with ad content and was exposed or infected
BurnedeadSan commented
They said all content will still be there. Accounts as well. So you don't have to worry about losing anything. Not sure why they're doing a custom build though, maybe something regarding the old service they were using was what caused the disc failure. No clue.
BurnedeadSan commented
I'm sure it will be back, It's good to go on porn vacation once in a while. They said all content and accounts will still be there (minus the 3 months lost) there's gonna be a dam overflow when they come back.
Arammmm commented
Site seems to be back, but can't currently login.
rsauzer5 commented
Forums are read-only now
shaolinporco2 commented
Can anyone find another good forum? simpcity disappointed me by losing my data...
rifihen75 commented
A similar thing happen to SMG a while back, wonder if they had something in common :WeirdGo:
Cxxxrx commented
thanks m8, I should have made a txt file for the threads, that's smart thinking from you 👍
Cxxxrx commented
thanks, but the most progress I made was in the last three months so now it's not there. Example, from watching 30 pages worth of threads to 7 (7 was three months ago)
modesfapper commented
it says "IP ban" occasionally while they're fixing it, the warning goes away if you login