this clown haha...she didn't do anything but get naked and leave LOL not like she was teasing or rubbing herself. She changed into a white bikini and then when she hit $1,500 she got naked for about 3-5 mins and left. nothing special. We see her named already every post CLOWNNN she said 1 hr show and left at 35-38 mins once she got paid she was gone haha
I know i shouldn't write this here but I just bought a bunch of ppv videos from corrie yee and and wanted to share them, but all my usual methods of downloading or even screen recording aren't working. Does anyone know a work around so i can share it here?
No bro she clearly mentioned that she already done anal,squirting,dildo play etc. and selling them for 15 dollars and also pussy eating boy girl ,gg etc for 30 dollars
McLuvin. He said he could get a sex tape from her for 200 since he's a loyal buyer. Sent him the money and he blocked me. Took one for the team. Fuck that guy
Congratulations. You're the same type of person that probably comments "anything new" on threads. So way to diss people posting what they've bought for your viewing pleasure and freeloading off them. People can spend money how they want and if they have a little excess for it, why not? But I get the budget may be a little tight btw, it's "than." Mr. Show bobs pls
Ok so they didn’t do any making out or anything crazy in the post live? They cut the free live at like 45 mins and said they’re going to get crazy in post live. Wondering if they did anything big there or if they jumped into the hot tub etc.
tip for anyone who buys her content. EVERYONE can then get free content. Most of these models all have an agency post up BULLSHIT DMs to trick you to buy it. Buy the content she says she is selling you that is supposed to be what it is then if it isn't take screenshots and report it into the claims. They will re-imburse you right away for falsely claiming the items they are selling you. I.e., they say multiple XXX sex tapes for this long in the description, then take screenshots of the length and report it. You will get your money back plus you get to keep the videos. Have fun y'all. Most of these models work with the same agency. You will noticed base on them being constantly online and the same type of messages that are sent out. Alex Kay and Corrie work with the same agency. Along with a few others. Happy hunting and happy holidays. Share more if you can. I will share when i am back.
***FILE the complaint right as soon as you buy it if it's not truthful. 100000% false all the time!!
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