Fakes - Kpop Deepfakes (Com2star, MondoKpop, OnceFake, Etc) | Page 80 | Social Media Girls

Fakes Kpop Deepfakes (Com2star, MondoKpop, OnceFake, Etc)

some vids i got from xsijishe
Btw I have both SVIP accounts for Baidu and Quark, so if anyone wants to download those files, feel free to dm me
dfker commented
which video is that? i can upload it to gofile
amituof commented
thanks bro ,so kind!!
Qwerttyy1234567891011 commented
Can you upload at gofile?
dragon8888 commented
nicktan881 commented
did u upload it to gofile?
The IU clips from the site mentioned above~
Thanks to iloveaiyu's find~
pw: love2share

1 Comment
iloveaiyu commented
thanks for sharing bro I can't download using xdm. btw this is the best iu vid I downloaded from yako website aiyu