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Requests rooshibi

My friends, crabman strikes again. BJ and creampie for all my rooshers. Just a warning to all I will NEVER ask for money nor will I pay someone else to see a vid they've got. You should upload for the good of all porktuggers. 🫡

dawnox commented
My man you are a god among peasants! If its possible for you, could you get that bj and throatpie video that was like 10 minutes long? I got it but on phone recorded :(
crabman69 commented
give me time to get some scratch together bb

inspired by crabman. if anyone has the pov velma one id love to see it
Shinshikaizer commented
Oh, I'm not an expert by any means. I just know it's a spectrum, and that it presents differently in men and women.
bla1337 commented
it's just another woman's trick to make you believe she is a poor victim that needs your compassion even though you are a total stranger to her and she makes ridiculous money out of few pictures of her ass. The funny part is that some people like you fall for it, it's probably so called "penis blindness", latin: erectus stupidus, caused by low blood pressure in your brain because all of it went down to your penis. Hope you're not an adult yet because you will have very difficult life being that naive.
Shinshikaizer commented
I mean, maybe she has autistic spectrum condition, maybe she doesn't and is just making it up. I don't really care about that. I have a problem with the mischaracterization that all people with autistic spectrum condition have the same battery of symptoms and behave in the same way.

There are people who are reality television "stars" who themselves were diagnosed with autism spectrum condition—Kyland Young and Amber Borzorta from Big Brother for example—who have been watched for way longer (on the live feeds) and by way more people (it's a network television show) than this person has. My entire point has been that autistic spectrum condition presents differently for different people, and just like Young and Borzorta, her condition might not prevent her from being social.

Just to be clear, I don't give a shit about her; I've never met her, I've never subscribed to her (I'm here in a piracy forum in thread leaking her stuff, aren't I?), and I don't even find her all that interesting. I just don't like that people think individuals with autism spectrum disorder behaves in a set way, which was my entire point the entire time.
Kallix commented
HelloThere3463 commented
Okay I see that you guys are having fun (big thanks to crabman), so how about I share with you some of content i managed to get. It's not mine and many photos and videos have been already posted here but i'm sure that some of them havent. Have fun guys!