Within four weeks I gained 28k (96% male) and received every kind of message from all around the globe. From date offers to marriage proposals, fetish & masturbation requests up to pictures & videos of any kind. I think I don’t need to get more into detail. Some pictures got illegally copied and uploaded on porn pages, even though they are clearly not looking like porn content – they simply show a woman showing skin. A woman having boobs and nipples. A woman being comfortable within herself. A woman existing. They simply show me.
Women get sexualized in every possible way, it doesn’t even matter, how much or what you are wearing. It’s just often used as an excuse then – oh, but she wanted to be touched, she was wearing tight shorts; she was not wearing a bra so she’s basically asking for it etc. Honestly I got catcalled in any outfit already, during winter and summer time, being with friends or alone. I don’t have a single female friend who hasn’t had experiences like that. And I also don’t need to gender when I’m talking about who’s sending inappropriate messages or pictures on social media."
Reading it, it's seems to be 35 per creation, so if your subscribed, when he posts you can be charged for it unless you set a monthly limit. I'm guessing there's also seperate charges to unlock past posts.
Patreon isn't like OF. If you're paying 35$ then all posts at that "tier" are visible. If he's got higher tiers then those would still be locked, but as far as I'm aware Patreon doesn't have PPV for individual posts, or never used to when I used it awhile ago.
Ah, too bad, it checked out with the date she posted this collaboration on Instagram. Daniel Anhut had to delete one post with her because "the pictures got shared on porn sites" and she just couldn't get over the fact that somebody could see her nude pictures and think anything else then: "What an artistic achievement!"
You shouldn't expect from that, he'll include 2-3 main ones and the price will be high as hell
She make it clear that the uncensored full frontal ones will be available via prints to avoid leaks
Ich freue mich ein ganz besonderes Fotoset anbieten zu dürfen. Ich durfte mit agnes_verano arbeiten und wir konnten wunderschöne und natürliche Fotosets produzieren. Mit dem Erwerb unterstützt du unsere kreative Arbeit und erhältst 25 exklusive, unzensierte und bezaubernde Fotos zum sofortigen...
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