Off Topic - Girls who start off with innocent premium content and end up doing porn? | Page 9 | Social Media Girls

Off Topic Girls who start off with innocent premium content and end up doing porn?

This is my favourite "genre", so here's hoping 2024 brings (mild) financial hardships to all of our favourite cosplayers and instagrammers.
mxiang commented
You guys finally figured it all out: Bill Gates and his friends wanted more OF, so they started the virus thingy. It finally makes sense!
Bourqey77 commented
I don't think she has a thread on this site, but Sneepsnorps fits the bill...went from " I'll never do 18+ to a private snap with lewds, to non-nude OF, to full on with squirting
Smolbeanfan commented
marx5 commented
This girl
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Jezeray commented
Ah. Search for her and open the thread that way :)
HBillian commented
Doesn't surprise me that she chose a different career path.
Dmonio commented
how long until we see the Hawk Tuah girl doing the same
dappytan commented
The Hawk Tuah thing was an easter egg, like MCU post credit
Not exactly porn yet but she's on the path, apparently: Sophie.xdt
I can remember like three years ago when she was only a IG soft model and now she's doing dildo masturbation stuff on her OF. It's the proof who God exists, lmao 😅✌️
registeredagain commented
Hahct commented
funny thing is that I live like 30 minutes away from her hometown and I know some people who know her personally and they where all convinced that she would never go further than bikini/lingerie content yet here we are lmao
Del3tedAccount commented
Solo is not porn! Are you guys crazy?
TacoLuchadorSupreme commented

No, you're just an idiot.

Porn starts at showing nipples and has no upper limit.

If you're saying it's not - that's fine. Just understand your own personal special definition is not at all what the rest of the planet is using, so you're going to have a hard time.

Alisa Cold
Russian teen on bigo starting back in 2018. Used to dance in booty shorts and flash her titties for a few robux. Perky natural tits + bubble butt combo = S Tier. Viewers could buy her nudes in private, some of which were eventually posted to volafile, reddit etc. She caught wind of this and opened an onlyfans - not an easy task for Russians. These days she posts full on sex tapes and continues to do lives on bigo, tang0, liveme. the whole shebang.

Bigo is trigger happy when it comes to the ban hammer. So our girl Alisa was quite sneaky with her shenanigans. If you tip her well, she will strip down to her undies, then she will give you a countdown. Finally she will say your name and ask you if you finished. She'd get sad if you didn't. She really wanted you to bust a nut lol.
rara knupps timeline youtuber/vlogger > stripper > onlyfans > amateur bg with bf > dumps bf and now does mainstream porn

hoochimama commented
Sorted her youtube videos by oldest and looks like there's 7 years of teasing/progressively raunchier content to get familiar with, thank you so much!
Wish instagram had a similar feature.
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ropsapis commented
Bit late, but by accessing instagram profiles via external sites like Pixwox (currently works best) or Picuki (my current fallback), you get the content in chronological order, starting with newest though. Scroll down often enough (can be automated with browser add-ons) and you can observe the gradual slutification.
Gonna have to be Mooncake Eva/Moonlewd Eva/Waiifuuu
She's taking her time to get there. But she's been on my radar for several years now. First saw her reposting Tiktoks to Ingstagram and saying really sad stuff about her body appearance. I confess I followed her because it was kind of a trainwreck. Never expected her to do an OF. Which is still pretty tame except she seems to be uptight about her nips and vag only. Every other part of her, including her butthole, are on display.
And while she may be shy with what she shows, she does not come off as prudish or sexless. She's always talking about anal sex and where would you want to finish? I think she is trying to do a Belle and build anticipation before she goes full nude, or does any penetration.
Honestly I don't think she can physically handle oral sex, but her ass, that looks built Ford tough.
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OsamaDellaProstata commented
Let's hope and wait
Mar 31, 2023
Here's hoping for Lauren Alexis, but probably a pipe dream as she seems only comfortable teasing. Still a jump from her old content. I remember when she was just another one of those couple prank/react channels with her bf Jamie.
1 Comment
iswearimlegal commented
Are we now listing girls we HOPE might end up doing porn? 🤣