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Off Topic Girlfriend/wife goes crazy with male stripper

Deleted member 5816782 commented
are you trying to be funny? 😂 uncomfortable?? She was going bananas. You must be projecting some fantasy 😂
Deleted member 5816782 commented
in reality, it was the stripper who was uncomfortable. The aggressive bride kept pressuring him to cum when he didn’t want to but he eventually succumbed to the peer pressure. Crazy that you twisted it around. Lol Why tho?
spunktoe commented
Can anyone reup the original vid please?
Jimmmy1212 commented
I second that.. cant believe I missed the original post!!
There is a nightout dvd series called Raised Skirts and Shirts . They have several dvds . Found two videos related to them ,

1 Comment
garmignacchia commented
Seems real
Raised Skirts Raised Shirts [Vol 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11]

There must be better quality of these somewhere, but this provides an opportunity to ponder the advances in video encoding methods over the past 30 years
gra77 commented
Yes, there's plenty of room to upgrade but so far I haven't found anything better.
Becky11 commented
Add to play not download
BarneyX commented
Does someone found some fucking?
RavenCrowe commented
Shame such poor quality and rubbish cameraman for angles and zooming. That said, some damn fine footage if in higher res. Seem to remember these videos being called "The Main Event" series of strip shows. Yeah, would love to see them in 720 at least.
May 8, 2024
I would like to revitalize this thread a bit, which unfortunately seems dead, with a couple of videos I found. Does anyone know if there is a full version, if there are others of the same "series"? They look like amateur videos.

throwawaydude commented
Documentary on 'dreamboyz' or is it dreamboys or dream-boys.

Is there more content from them? It seems there's real interactions with the women.
throwawaydude commented

Another one that looks real - it's got a xhamster watermark - arab male or like Italian stripper -
hen party / bachelorette - the women look and perhaps sound UK / British.
The bride looks very shy.
Montanez commented
throwawaydude Thanks for the findings and for sharing. If you liked the documentary genre, here is one about LoverboysUSA (funny name, because they are actually British):
skcoolboy commented

small collection that might fit the bill, most older been around for a while
Montanez commented
Poopnoodlepro commented
If anybody knows any info about the chick from “Phardcore75 Blue and White Dress Fucked” it would be greatly appreciated
kesonvena commented
Her name is Darina, she was on party with her friend Lucie(black dress). They were real amateurs, they are both mothers now, Lucie is married.
moob6969 commented
where is the fourth video from
zamkol commented
ichigok42 commented
are these girls porn stars or amateurs?
Last edited:
kesonvena commented
Basically, hackers posted all czech casting stuff on public. We were able to find czech casting videos before, but only few ppl knew, 99,9% of czech ppl had no idea. Dudes found out, that their wives and gfs, mothers, sisters grandmas had secret second life, some had secret full porn career(like one moderator from mainstream tv broadcast, which were in hundreds! of porn videos and no-one had clue, because she filmed soewhere in Italy etc - ), some even did another casting before czech casting - Woodman casting, lots of them did sectretly things for Karups etc. For me, same example as a George Uhl. Guy is a huge pornstar, way bigger pornstar then Robert Rosenberg, who is well known by everyone in CR, yet almost no-one knew George here, because he filmed abroad. George films in Czech now, so he gained some popularity, but few years ago, he was completely unknow for czech ppl. Well, and what happened next? Whole country went mad. Newspapers, forums, tv stations, radio stations, all talked about czech casting. Interviews, exposion etc. There are forums, where dudes are trying to find info about girls from czech casting. Honestly, Czech republic would be paradise for them back then. Dudes were mad af, they wanted revenge and posted everything about their cheating wives on FB, forums, did interviews for newspapers etc. Well and some women took accountability and some sadly don't. And they started lying about agency which was behind Czech casting. Lies about forced sex, violence, threats, drugs etc. And worst lies were told by teacher(Lucie 5334). She told, that she was drugged, she told, that they put cocaine in ventilation, or something incredibly dumb like that. Agency was raided by police, everything was confiscated, agency members were arrested. Well, sadly for lying hoes with zero accountability, agency had cameras everywhere. And they found out, that nothing was forced. And sadly for teacher, she did second video with that agency - czech massage 293.... Kinda weird, if she was drugged in czech casting, right? :D Agency members were freed, lying hoes were shamed, sadly, agter that, all amateur stuff from czech rebublic is staged, creators are scared, they don't wanna endure this nightmare and some porn actors told in interviews, that czech casting is a taboo for them.

PS, one example of interview from Blesk

Use google translator.
it takes a lot of drugs or alcohol to be so messed up that you cant make rational decisions. ive never seen a czechsasting where the girl looks even a little intoxicated. im sure they overly encouraged them to drink or even slipped alcohol into a drink(which is wrong) but never enough enough that an hour later the girl is just walking out like nothing happened.
kesonvena commented
Oh, google translate is horrible, I just saw it and It make zero sence. In interview, Tomáš talks about his gf. She promised, that she will end her adult career and she did that. After while, she tried some photoshoot job. He accompanied here, because he didn't completely trust her. He waited in different room, but he started to be impatient, because photoshoot took too long and something was weird. He told to receptionist, but she tried so hard to delay, she tried really hard to hold him there, was weirdly chatty etc. He started to be impatient, so he went closer and guess what? He overheard moaning. But this gf did porn and cheated on him before, so he kinda had it coming, but there were few another dudes, which had completely normal, average gfs with zero porn history and shared similar experience. And these cases were brutal. Sadly, most of interviews and info is deleted. The most things were on fb, there was almost zero censoring back then and lots of nfsw stuff lied there for months, there was sh.t load of info about part hardcore too, because once czech casting blew up into mainstream, party hardcore too.
garmignacchia commented
Thanks for your full explanation
Ronin2023 commented
partyhardcore started in 2002. i believe that was before czech casting started. i wonder if the girls who were amateurs in partyhardcore cheated on their boyfriends too.
kesonvena commented
Yeah, girls from czech casting were in newer party hardcores, some did party hardcore before czech casting, etc. And you can bet, that there were a lots of cheaters, who had secret second life, but these stories are sadly lost, there was a lot of info years ago, but majority of info is lost now. But I recognize a lots of girls from these vids when I'm in Pilsen, or Prague, there were so many of them, that you met some of them sometimes somewhere in grocery shops etc, they are older, but I can still recognize them.
kesonvena commented
Screentouch commented
kesonvena commented

That's definitely not her. Darina looks still almost the same, just older... And now with some silly hairstyle.