Requests - Shania Perrett | Page 3 | Social Media Girls

Requests Shania Perrett

Couple of B/G and G/G vids found on my travels. Not mine, apologies if any are reposts.

Ar4g0rn commented
Amazing. Any video with Jess Perrett?
tkunited888 commented
Anyone got the full car bj video? If it was posted, link is down.
VegasBB commented
Jeez why all the dislikes. This is a request thread and she already has a main page that isn't a request thread.....
Totoro's Neighbor
Totoro's Neighbor commented
The dislikes are because you made a new post without content. That's against the rules. You've been here 4 years, you should know this already.

Also, it's a request thread for content from the original poster. Not for individual subsequent requests.
VegasBB commented

So I'm suppose to make another request thread for requesting content. Doesn't make sense for just one thread for just one request when's there's an actual non request thread of her specially when there's no discussion thread. If that were the case there would be multiple request threads.

That's literally the reason why request thread should exist.

And the thread literally says Requests with an S in green icon.
VegasBB commented
It literally says "Please only write here if you have content. For discussions and requests use Comments" at the bottom when you type in this thread lol.

That's the reason why the rule was invented in the first place so requests and comments would go on a separate thread called Request and Discussion. Jeez would have thought that was common sense when the thread is literally called requests.

Totoro's Neighbor
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