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Off Topic Paige Spiranac Discussion Thread

Off topic but does anyone think there is a nude creator that looks like Paige in looks and physique? If so, who?
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justafanofmm commented
I always thought this MFC model named HappyEndings had a little Paige thing going for her. She had a kid a couple of years ago. Her body was ridiculous before pregnancy but she had some jacked up teeth. She since got her teeth fixed but lost some of her figure. She's still sexy but just a different shape to her. There are tons of recordings of her MFC streams easily found online. She has been in the game for a long time.

She has had other MFC names before. The other one I remember is Saraboo or Sarraboo. Something like that. You will find her easily.

She went live again today and again there was no notification from the Passes app and no warning from her ahead of time. It would be nice to get a "I'm going live around xyz time today" so you at least no to keep an eye on it. Did anyone join it or watch the recording to see what happened?

In the confessional style video she posted on the wall today, her 6th new years resolution was to "keep pushing the boundaries of her content" which was great to hear. She iterated that she has been enjoying it and having a lot of fun and there was a clear devilish facial expression change when she brought it up. She was being coy as she repeated multiple times that she wants to keep trying new things. So I am assuming that the content is only going to continue to get more and more daring. I am hoping for pastieless sheer lingerie or bikinis at some point in the next few months.
justafanofmm commented
WOW the pic is so slutty for her. It's like a thumbnail for a video on pornhub. Not visually revealing but devilish eyes.

Would you be able to provide a summary of the live show like you did last time? I upgraded to birdie tier after the live ended. I thought I would be able to retroactively see the live recordings but I never received it. The link just says "live stream has ended" for me.
justanamelol commented
Very hot pic.

From what I caught of the livestream, it was just a chill hangout. Her upcoming travel plans - Super Bowl and WMO. She was just answering everyone's questions. Talked about her crushes, golf content creator drama, social media persona vs real life self etc. Showed her outfit a few times ( This one) and ended the stream saying more booty shakes and jiggles coming soon.
hhsguy commented
Has this pic been posted in the other forum thread?
justanamelol commented
Not yet. It might get posted in the morning
$50 for two “shaking” videos in DMs. Hmmmmm
Whitestock26 commented
50 dollars is a quite a lot of money(and a bit too much for me to buy right now), but from what i seen before from her (grinch set, pasties set) i think it could be worth it. Hope that this will leak somehow.
justafanofmm commented
I do not recommend buying them if you're on the fence and money is tight. She is wearing a 1 piece bathing suit in both of them. There is a nice body tour up and down with the camera and some nice shaking but it's nothing too crazy. The hottest part is probably the fact that her nips are a little bit hard and you can see some pokies in the sunlight. They are very close to slipping out of the swimsuit but obviously she was careful to avoid any accidents.
Whitestock26 commented
Bathing suit... it sounds nice and if there are pokies and nips are hard then it sounds pretty good for me. If i will have more money i will buy them.
justafanofmm commented
I don't want to oversell it as if the pokies are super obvious...they are subtle but when the sun hits them they become more noticeable. But it is a pretty modest swimsuit for her compared to the microbikinis
She just post 15 pics for 50$. Are they worth buying?
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topasingh commented
Could have just said that last part instead of beating around the bush lmao
WinnieTheWho commented
Then stop with the verbal visualizations of the content.
justafanofmm commented
this is a DISCUSSION thread you retard. This was made specifically to discuss her content. If you want to find content, go to her main thread, or break open your piggy bank and find $10. Same goes for you, Topasingh. Learn how to read.
Rx1k00 commented
Will she ever do livestream like truth or dare
Anyone able to see the images from colonel's last two posts? For some reason jpg5 won't load the images for me.
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A.P.C.89 commented
For me too , maybe you have to change something on your browser.
A.P.C.89 commented
A.P.C.89 commented
justanamelol commented
Anyone bought her yesterday's PPV video for 15$? Is it worth the money?
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justafanofmm commented
I did. It's hot but it's not like you see nipples or anything. She is wearing some pretty slutty lingerie and it's like an up and down video of her body in the mirror. She looks really good in it but there's nothing in it that you haven't seen from her. Depends on how much $15 means to you I guess.

On a separate note, I watched some of her live from the other day where she was showing off the outfits she bought for the valentines day content and holy smokes I think we are in for some really good stuff. One of the "bikini tops" has fabric that is basically the size of her nipples and it's just strung together with strings. Totally ridiculous looking but if she puts it on it is hard to imagine how there wouldn't be some slips. Virtually every outfit she got is completely sheer so she is going to have to get creative in how she covers up her tits. Definitely going to be a lot of pastie action but maybe something slips by the goalie. She seems to be adamant that she is going to continue to step up her game.
Whitestock26 commented
Yeah i seen her last live and her outfits for Valentine content. Well i think it's gonna be even better than her already very slutty Christmas content. Fingers crossed...
Well it seems like she turned off the watermarks, at least they're not showing for me.
024nnc commented
BourbonNBoobs commented
No watermarks but screenshots still prohibited
She just sent the 65$ PPV and these are her sluttiest pics so far. Expensive but 100% worth the money. Pasties, handbras, big booty in a very slim thong, damn it's fuckin amazing.
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justafanofmm commented
I think we are in store for some spectacular stuff for the valentines content that she has planned. Some of the outfits she was unboxing and showing during her live were ridiculous. A couple of them look like they might be impossible for her to model without there being some sort of slippage.
Anyone catch the live show yesterday? She hasn't sent the recording yet. Anything interesting happen during it?

I joined the one earlier in the week. A couple of guys in the chat were so cringey. One kept bringing up the dress she wore to the sports illustrated party like a year+ ago and kept making fun of it, talking about how stupid she looked in it, she could have worn a million other dresses. It was legitimately making her feel bad and he would not stop brining it up. Completely out of left field and off topic. Like he was negging her the same way 6th graders flirt with each other. One of the weirdest interactions I've ever witnessed.
I mean he is right, the dress was shit but why would you bring it up on a livestream?
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justafanofmm commented
It wasn't her best outfit but she takes/posts photos of literally every outfit she wears every day of her life. Occasionally there is going to be a miss. But she's got pretty much a .999 batting average. But he didn't just bring it up once. He made a comment, she responded to it and was clearly not feeling the vibe of the way he described it. And then a few moments passed...he brings it up again. And then again. And then again. And then again. It went on for like 5 straight minutes and completely killed her mood. She went from being perky and silly to being like guarded and self conscious. It was a masterclass in cock blocking.
I have no evidence of this but I have a feeling this valentine's content is going to end with a bang. Of all the outfits that she showed off during her livestream, the first 5 days have been probably the 5 tamest sets of lingerie that she bought. I am hopeful that there will be a big and expensive PPV on the 14th or 15th of all of the stuff that she wasn't brave enough to post to her wall or standard DMs to all her followers. Almost everything she ordered was sheer so I am holding out hope that she might let us get a glimpse without covering them up or sticking pasties on the nips.
justafanofmm commented
yeah, no nudity....but I would think sheer lingerie or an areola slip would be pretty hard for them to enforce as a breach of their policy.
WinnieTheWho commented
I hope you know that nobody actually cares about your little 'insights' lmao. You always give takes as if you're some kind of analyst buy barely get anything right or, at least, nothing you've said has actually manifested to be true.
justafanofmm commented
you do know that this is a discussion thread right? What are you following this for and why are you commenting if you care so little? Go fist yourself.
Valen_ commented
At the end what was your opinion from this set and your feeling?
She just posted a video about gifts for Valentine's Day and it says that i have to pay 3 dollars to watch it. Well as a birdie tier member i thought that i will have access to all of her wall posts. That's very unfair from her. Is everyone have this post behind the paywall is it just for me?
Valen_ commented

Was this
Valen_ commented

NO subscription, received this by dm, but is on passes
Whitestock26 commented
I had this set for free as i had birdie tier. Pictures from that are in post #589 in the main thread.
justafanofmm commented
If you previously subbed to her on Passes then maybe she is sending out sets to old subs to see if she can trick anyone into buying her regular sets as PPV. But this was already sent out as a freebie to anyone on the sub tiers (except for the "golf only" people, all 0 of them). Do not buy it for $50 as these pictures already came out and were posted here on the content thread.
Anyone bought any of the recent PPVs being sent out in the messages? Guessing at 10 bucks a set it's nothing earth shattering
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Whitestock26 commented
That last set with skimpy underwear is very good. Last eye contact challenge is pretty nice too.
justafanofmm commented
The see through one is very shear but she is putting heart emojis over the nipples. I am hoping that after valentines day she might give us an expensive PPV with some extra photos from some of the hotter sets and maybe she will send some uncensored pics. Also, she is panty free in the set. She covers the cootch with her hand in one of the pics. You get a bare butt look through the fully sheer lingerie but she is obviously angling it so you can't see booty hole.

The one she sent today is the tiniest bikini, maybe in the world...certainly the smallest she has ever posed in. Her nipples are barely covered and you can see a solid 4-5 inches of tan line above her snatch. It isn't super clear but there is definitely some pinkish shades of skin that look like areola to me. It's very hot and she is definitely getting more confident.

Unless you need the $20 to pay your mortgage, I think it is definitely worth it.
Whitestock26 commented
Yup, that today set is one of her's best ever i think. I hope for a video with her in this outfit, maybe eye contact challenge. Imagine nips slipping out of this bra lol. That would be ridiculous.
BourbonNBoobs commented
I bought the sheer pink lingerie set. Disappointed to have heart emojis over her nipples but the fact that she was sans bottoms was super hot.
Is anyone bought the last eye contact challenge that she just uploaded for 35$? Is it good? Should i buy it or not?
justafanofmm commented's overpriced. The "tiny top" is not tiny at all. It is actually like a sportsbra sized cotton top so compared to the bikinis she has been posing in lately, it might as well be a winter coat. Lots of bouncing and shaking but nothing even close to slipping out. Disappointing one honestly.

Side note, I did DM her about getting an eye contact challenge in that tiny strapless bikini that barely covered her nipples. She said she would do it. I also asked her if we could see the sheer photos without the heart emojis she could neither confirm, nor deny that she would post them. So who knows...maybe she will keep those in her back pocket for a $100 PPV on a future rainy day when she doesn't feel like shooting content.
justafanofmm commented