Requests - haesicks / haesicks2 / shaelynnjade | Page 14 | Social Media Girls

Requests haesicks / haesicks2 / shaelynnjade

These should be source
OldMoney commented
So the tits are out now. I wonder if pussy is off the table. I'm gonna say she's willing. But maybe not too. I'll go 75%/25%
General_Warts commented
She might be pretending that she didn't realize they were out, but she knows.
revpt13 commented
She advertised this set as having nips in it "New set for you all to “unwrap” coming later ❤️ don’t worry this one has nips 😋"
DoctorDiddles commented
Credit to undefined6868
dudededu commented
If you're american, you may have been educated a puritan. It's not like a woman walking around the house in a bra, particularly if it's your sister or your mum, is a sin to God here, and I surely don't get a hard on looking at it. It gets pretty fucking hot in summer, if I walked around wearing only shorts, they walked around wearing shorts and a bra. The normalest stuff ever.
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Deadpool1 commented
If you say so, still ain’t checking out my sisters even if they were in a bra but that’s just me :leokek:
dudededu commented
you do you man, I'm not the one implying that looking at one's own sister for more than half a second is going to arouse uncontrollable feelings of lust to the point that one must not lay their eyes on her body not to inevitably act upon fantasies of incest 🤷🏻
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Johnbacon commented
Anybody else just getting the little blue question mark box?
pb2k commented
Luc1ph3r commented
shes such a tease fuck sake
Haha! Beat you guys to it! Credit to tiedfighter from the "other" site.

dudededu commented
What's that "other site" I see people mentioning every now and then?

Anyway, those cheeks must clap real hard.
Jizzn' Jazzn'
Jizzn' Jazzn' commented
Pfft...I can't even see the Imagepond image lol. What a shitty image host.
Jizzn' Jazzn'
Jizzn' Jazzn' commented
It is crass to promote a competing website, and might even be against the TOS. But, the initials of the "other" site are SC, with the last letter being City.
dudededu commented
I think I found it, you can mod your comment in case you risk getting whacked!
"This is a nice little sheer set with a video of me warming up my feet because it’s super cold in my house 😩 it’s too cold to shave or anything 🫣"-Haesicks

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jamyraptor commented
It's not like these could've been taken before and she's just now posting them. :leokek:
dudededu commented
"I feel so cold honey... I wish there was a way to make me feel wamer..."
"Put on your pajamas!"
"... yeah that's exactly what I meant."
particlemanphd commented
Mind telling me how you pulled these out of Fansly? I haven't found a tool that works, and I haven't found anything that lets me download the blob URLs from my browser
Dannrl commented
Aloha app has been able to download videos but images don’t work for me. Would love any tips
Archive updated, includes all posts in thread to date. Only possible thanks to all previous uploaders 🥇

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dudededu commented
oh I mean I didn't want to dismiss the energy you put in this, it would have been nice to see the "progression" so to speak 🥸
Tarman commented
All good my man, I didn't take any offence and just wanted to explain.
Unfortunately it's just not something I thought to do from the get go when I started doing this, and now there's just no time to go back and do it.
Clev00 commented
You’re doing the lords work. What other archives do you manage?
thedoctorishere commented
Sponk21 stop spamming this thread with useless comments, trolling has a place on X, not here. The reason why people admire her is because she's a normal, pretty girl on an interesting adventure. It's authentic. She walks on her feet, just like any fucking biped being. Dry skin is as normal as a Tuesday. If you want silky smooth feet, the internet is full of it. The next time you have a thought, just chew on it in your head. And then leave it there.
RunWithBlanks commented
Is she only lewd? New to forum. Who tf is that guy☝️
dudededu commented
yeah, only lewd. No noods so far, very low chance of porn in the future from the looks of it.
saulinhognb commented
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3 more photos added
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And 2 DM photos
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saulinhognb commented
She really should show some love to those feet, jesus christ.
Sponk21 commented

bro is the foot soldier, the toe trustee, the hoof hero, the paw protector, the piggie promoter, the pad proponent, the tootsy torchbearer, the sock steward, the pedicure preserver, the smellies superintendent, the-
saulinhognb commented
You found your inner peace in this role, didn't you? Many vocational tests lead you to where you are today, im proud of you. Anyways, let's send her some feet lotion.
thedoctorishere commented
Tons of lotion around the house, right saulinhognb ? Then send her some.
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“I changed to doing pictures in my living room for this one and I honestly love it 👀 I know I haven’t done fishnets in awhile either 💕
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dudededu commented
lordcoomerthe3rd commented
Imagine the ass this chick could have if she ate good and did leg days. God I hope she catches the gym bug
Jizzn' Jazzn'
Jizzn' Jazzn' commented
I personally like her the way she is. I hope she don't get no tiddy implants.
daddiesanon commented
I just happened to see it. I admit I am being somewhat silly. Listen I was just looking for a nipple okay.
Hung Solow commented
I didn’t say posting 1 photo Is but giving credit to the OP is cringe they are her photos doesn’t matter who leaked first
thL33tn00b1234 commented
yeah, that didn't click in my head until after I posted my comment. I shouldn't shit post on two hours of sleep.
pb2k commented

I think crediting the first guy to steal the content is weird anyway but then you get weirdos who get mad if you don't so win some lose some I guess
shlebboi commented
if credit is given or if it isnt, doesnt matter, im jorkn my shit