Thanks for posting those. I had gotten them both but hadn't gotten around to posting them. They have added a new tier to their page. They have also put their videos on a new host and I can't download them anymore via 1DM/Aloha anymore so I will have to give that video download helper plug in (or whatever its called) a try at some point.
I wont be upping my tier just yet. Would be a 35 dollar increase over the 15 I am currently paying for no major content increase. It is something to look into down the road though. Assuming there are slots available.
Edit to add bunkr links for my files. Just incase gofile does gofile things.
Here are three of the newest videos. It would have been four but i made the mistake of downloading one twice and the DL helper extension has a two hour wait between saves... it will be added to this post later.
edit to say I finally added the 4th video... shoulda been done hours ago but i was busy with other things. There is actually a fifth that will be added later on as well... assuming I don't forget about it. I did not forget the fifth one was added.
Nah, I assume those are from the new $50 tier. I haven't subbed to it. I will at some point but not while there isn't a lot of posts. Plus only a few slots seem to be taken. Would kinda give me away.
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