Outcall massage refers to a massage service where the therapist travels to the client's location, rather than the client visiting a massage establishment. This can include in-home massages, hotel room massages, or massages at a location of the client's choosing. Outcall massages can be convenient for those who have mobility issues or prefer the comfort of their own space. It's important to note that availability, pricing, and service offerings may vary depending on the massage therapist or establishment providing the service.

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Nuru massage is a type of outcall massage in which the therapist uses a special gel made from nori, an edible seaweed, as the lubricant. The gel is applied to the skin and the therapist uses their body to massage the client, providing a sensual and intimate experience. The massage is typically performed on a futon or air mattress, and the therapist may use various techniques such as sliding, gliding, and kneading.


Nuru massage is said to help relieve stress by promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension. The sensual nature of the massage can also help to release endorphins, which are chemicals in the body that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. The intimate and close contact of the massage can also help to promote feelings of trust and emotional connection, which can be beneficial for reducing stress.
MINA.jpgA full body outcall massage is a therapeutic massage that focuses on the entire body, including the head, face, arms, hands, feet, legs, and back. The massage therapist uses various techniques such as kneading, rubbing, and tapping to relax the muscles and release tension throughout the body.

Full body massage can be very useful in many ways. It can help to reduce stress and tension, improve circulation, increase flexibility and range of motion, and alleviate pain and soreness in the muscles and joints. It can also help to improve sleep and boost the immune system. It also improve skin tone and promotes a sense of relaxation and well-being.

It is important to note that massage can also have some contraindications, such as blood clots, open wounds, skin infections and certain medical conditions. It is always best to consult with a medical professional before receiving a massage if you have any concerns about the suitability of massage for you.
An Outcall massage at a Asian Massage 2 Hotels, also known as a jjimjilbang, can provide a number of benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  • Relaxation: Massages can help to relax the muscles and reduce tension, which can lead to a reduction in stress and an overall sense of well-being.
  • Improved circulation: Massages can help to increase blood flow, which can improve circulation and reduce the risk of blood clots.

  • Reduced pain: Massages can help to alleviate pain caused by conditions such as fibromyalgia, migraines, and lower back pain.
  • Improved sleep: Massages can help to promote better sleep by reducing stress and tension, which can lead to a more restful night's sleep.
  • Improved skin: Massages can help to improve the appearance and health of the skin by increasing blood flow and promoting the production of collagen.
  • Korean spa also offer other benefits like sauna, steam room, hot tub, etc.
  • Overall, a massage at a Korean spa can provide a holistic experience that promotes both physical and mental well-being.