Requests courtney miller

The music video for their new song came out and Courtney and Amanda play some femme dons for a small portion of it. Nothing revealing, but if you’re into dommes in all black the there are som hot scenes.

If anyone has their smosh membership then maybe there are some better shots of them in the behind the scenes video you could share.
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Courtney is hitched! And to Shayne surprise surprise!
Well this isn’t really a get for this site, but damn seems legit and not an April fools joke. Don’t know if marriage will mean more or less sexy reveals from her.🤷

1 Comment
EdwardNoHands commented
Here's hoping for more.
Courtney finally admitting something:
narcissist commented
You're going to lose your mind when you finally see a boob.
Blue Nicholas
Blue Nicholas commented

1 Comment
Blue Nicholas
Blue Nicholas commented
love seeing these kinda insta posts from her.