Off Topic - David Moser (HMPhotography69 & others) | Page 26 | Social Media Girls

Off Topic David Moser (HMPhotography69 & others)

randolphscott1 commented
I think hes been partying hard hes only just sent out nevember content links. On the upside hes doing his bogof if anyone is interested.
witnessprotection commented
Patreon was supposed to be switching to 30 day rolling periods like OF and others where it’s a month from when you sign up so he mentioned changing how links would be sent out. If you sign up now you’d have a membership until Dec 28. In the past it would expire at the end of the month regardless of the day you signed up. He used to do bogo late in the month for that reason. You had limited time with the links.
randolphscott1 commented
Yes his links were notoriously slow d/l. Have they improved?
witnessprotection commented
probably not. I haven’t subbed in a long time though.
dino27 commented
CW doesn't do 'Premium' accounts, you make 'Friend' requests to the owners of videos you're interested in, and they accept your request at their own discretion, theoretically based on whether or not any of your uploads are of interest to them in exchange...

...So it's more of a give-&-take as opposed to the take-&-take that goes on over here... ;)
CH0206 commented
Ah of course there's a catch over there. Appreciate the info Dino!

From Celeste Rasmussen’s thread on here, thanks to Long Duck Dong 69 being the OP of this gold mine of HM and Celeste fuck tape enjoy thanks again for providing this gem of Celeste

hanszmann commented
Celeste is nice. HM should take care of himself, as he is obese and has an ugly and diseased leg.
sillybob47 commented

And still fucking models . So I mean if it ain't broke...
PatientZero commented

Says a lot more about the models than him... not all models are willing to let a obese and disease-ridden man fuck them. Did I say fuck them? He's so obese he really can't do anything but lie there while they try to ride him... Not even sure if they actually are able to get penetrated due to all that fat and the size of his "manhood"...

While it is a video of Celeste Rasmussen having "sex", it's a also puke worthy unless you're into models riding obese disease-ridden men...

Must be the low point of her "career", unless she decides to give bestiality a try, wouldn't be a surprise, she's half-there already...