Off Topic Do you still remember the first porn you ever watched

My first porn experience was actually some old Hustler mags, I was like 11 or 12 and was helping clean out this old trailer for some reason and found a few in the bathroom. Didn't understand why the girl had a penis in her mouth but I knew I liked it for some reason. Hid them and took them home. Wouldn't be until I was like 16 or so before I realized I could find videos on the internet. This was mid late 90's so internet wasn't super common or fast.
1 Comment
Justwatching666 commented
The best memories, right ? ^^
I found some VHS tapes hidden under some insulation in the attic. I'm still not sure if they were hidden there by the previous owners or someone in my family. I would put them on when I was the only one home. I was a bit too young to really appreciate it. It was fascinating but that's about it.

I actually remember a song that was in one of the videos. It's pretty much seared into my memory. I never thought about it, but I could probably look that up hah.

In that same home there was a barn that had a very old playboy hidden in it. The model in it was Echo Johnson (also seared into my memory). That was my first time seeing a naked woman.


Living rent-free in groks feeble mind
Jul 8, 2022
Tir nĆ” Lia
Vaguely remember during the winamp streaming days of a chick masturbating in an open field with a massive dildo. She was probably around 18-20, brunette (eastern european). The name escapes me.
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