Requests Ellana Bryan

Alright here ya go lol honestly not as good as the last 2 streams but it is what it is enjoy.

There's one corrupted file in there i don't remember if it was good or not but if anyone can restore it I put it in there as well. Cheers
GDM91 commented
Yeah you’re right, not her best. It’s extremely disappointing if I’m honest. Like I said before, she’s good at teasing. It was her first time doing what she did with her first stream. Then with the xmas one showing her bare butt and then we now have this one that’s actually completely boring. I mean you did join in around the 3.5hrs mark, but I can’t seeing it being internet breaking stuff. I just hope she’s not going back to her old boring self.

But nonetheless, I appreciate you staying up and recording a few clips of her live stream. Cheers again mate ;-)
Don Corleone 04 commented
Good one 👍
akshaysharmaup commented
Anything new