Requests graziella culatti

Here is the video

AllIn920 commented
Grazie... finalmente la vedo bene
AllIn920 commented
tryingtoquit commented
FYI, her OF content has been really lame for the past two months. In the run up to the New Year, she has been posting more and more daring stuff, and then suddenly she just stopped. Now her content is almost safe enough to go back to Youtube.
chukster commented

i think its time we let this one go. she showed all she could possibly show. i was just waiting on her to start masturbating fully nude, but thats not going to happen.
After almost three months posting shit on OF, she posts her best video yet... and OF proceeds immediately to nuke her account (I am not sure why, but I have a nagging suspicion that it was the use of that doll in the video). Luckily, I was there just in time to get it before it went down. Enjoy. And if you follow her on social media, comment or message her to not let this discourage her from making more stuff like this

tryingtoquit commented
And by the way, her OF posts before the last one are still visible on my wall and I can still react and comment on them. Her account page is however inaccessible.
meritevole commented
I wanted some information please, I had automatic renewal and it expired on March 28th and since it closed and I can no longer log in to disable it, is it automatically disabled or do I need to do something else? Thank you
tryingtoquit commented
Your subscription should be automatically deleted if the account you were subscribed to closes. If you go to the list of active subscriptions, you should no longer see your subscription to her.
meritevole commented
simooo75 commented
Si può vedere uno dei suoi video così almeno non spendo inutilmente 6 euro ...con patreon ha chiuso dopo un mesettooo😭
chukster commented
people just dont want to share the videos. not much you can do. maybe they get off on people wanting something they have and wont share. regardless, she always does the same thing. split second flash in a 10 minute video. when she starts doing masturbation videos and showers, then i will be interested.
Deleted member 46237 commented
There would probably be less reluctance to share if people here would chill out and not spread the videos all over the Internet.
funny42384 commented
I don't know why all these videos are deleted but I re-upload them:

simooo75 commented
sono curioso a quelli non mostra è inutile abbonarsi..avete novità in riguardo??
Deleted member 2848162 commented
Mostra la figa putanna!

Deleted member 46237

Brawls with hogs
Deleted Account
Look at you! Newbie Getting Addicted I LIKE IT! I LOVE IT! Popular Uploader Awesome Uploader Legendary Uploader Good Samaritan Good Samaritan (Supreme Class) A Year Of Service 2 Years Of Service 3 Years Of Service
Jul 18, 2019
Great video today. Long unrestricted pussy views. She is finally letting go

SMYSMY commented
Rulinitica commented
Algún vídeo?
newton commented
JuanVoyeur commented
please video!!!! 🙏
Papa1aas commented
Is it more fleshed out in the full version? Does anyone have it? I would just like your opinion.
chukster commented

these are free teaser posts from her xhamster account. anyone can access them without paying for the full videos. we havent seen a full video yet. it still irritates me she is so lazy with her camera work. same static shot like her youtube videos. no closeups, no change in scenery. she could film videos from her bed and hold the camera close to her snitz while she does her thing. nope.
Papa1aas commented
Thank you!