This was removed twice from the amouranth thread for being "obviously fake" but it's not fucking obvious at all. It seems to be an exact shot for shot match to this frame from the blurry portion, so unless some God level photoshop wizard was able to fake the foreground, background, and every detail of her entire body to exactly match the shot, i'm saying it's real. But some "staff member" keeps removing it before anyone can even discuss it so whatever I guess. They want it posted in the "fakes" section, but starting an entire thread for fake amouranth stuff has to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
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Dirtyship is the only other place online that I can find that's posted it, so like I said, if it's a fake, it's the best fake I've ever seen by far, and they may as well just fake the entire blurry part of the video if they're capable of that level of skill.
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