Requests Nick and lins

It seems they have attended Nude Cruise Toronto 2018. The photos in previous 3 posts are from this event. There are 106 photos from this event, Gallery 7 in this link: Does anybody have subscription on this page? Are there more interesting photos?

I have found some more photos and one short video from the Nude Cruise Toronto 2018. IĀ“t nothing special, but letĀ“s make the set complete. I still hope somebody gets access to the Gallery 7 in and adds more nudes.

Video is in Twitter. Short, but quite funny. I believe to see this, you must have Twitter account.
mm002ns commented
Excelent, thanks! Cold you please upload the video these captions were taken from? Much appreciated :)
Potato2799 commented
Wow! Great collection!
franktheman81 commented
So great! Thanks! Does anybody know if they are planning something again with their extra teamlid Caroline? She was nice but disappeared unfortunately...
pvx7 commented
link video