She's what, 23 now? She still lives with her parents, although she mentioned in a recent scope that they are looking to move and she doesn't want to go with them. I don't think anything further would happen with her until she gets away from her parents, and even then it's a long shot because it's clear she isn't happy with her previous actions on Peri. I think she's pretty turned off to doing anything sexual online and has been for a few years now. She said flat out "no" to OnlyFans when asked about it in her scope. She changed her Peri name "for privacy reasons", which is ridiculous at this point. The far majority of the people tuning in to her scopes are hanging on from the old days and know who she is. She doesn't give out her Insta when people ask, but it's easy to find and not set to private, and in fact her whole family is on Insta and none of them are set to private - there's even an account for the dog, lol. She promotes her Tik Tok channel, her sister's Tik Tok channel and still makes YouTube videos, but won't give out her Insta on Peri. I don't think they understand social media very well.
I don't know if she'll be able to afford to get out from under her parents working in a grocery store. She is deathly afraid of her mother and half the time her scopes are cut short over her mother walking in on her and yelling at her. Or if they are home, she does silent scopes so as to not draw attention to herself. Somehow her family seems to have no idea of her real past on Peri. Anyway, I wouldn't hold your breath.