Off Topic Sharing content, What makes things valuable, and "Theft" of unownable things

Hardly a whore, she started with pageants and modeling contests as a teen and became a Disney Princess and did some acting stuff and was reluctant to do any nudity at first, I believe her Raadnecks stuff was her first true nude stuff cause she was desperate for money. According to a post on one of her Youtube video's a while back she's quitting the nude art world and starting her own business soon, so don't expect much more content like this from her in the future.

I do have almost all of her content from Patreon, Honey-Cream, Cosmid and This Year's Model in original top quality but I won't be providing it here. I don't understand why anyone would pay for it and then give it away for free just to get props from some fellow perv's on the internet, do they think it makes them "cool"?

If it ends up here that's cool but it won't be from me. Most of her Honey-Cream photo-sets are already available free online, except for her most recent ones. I personally recommend the "Parking" set, super hot.
wow, you need to go see a surgeon, that stick is way too far up your ass to remove manually.


Active member
May 12, 2019
Hey... who said a whore is a bad thing? We need to stop this "whore-shaming" lol.
I love whores, without them I'd have to fap to my imagination, and who has time for that?

wow if we all had your imagination we'd still be living in the gutter.
wow if we all had your imagination we'd still be living in the gutter.
Hey man, I just think this chick is fucking awesomely hot, the fact that she's whorey only makes her hotter.
(and you do know this just jokes right? who wants to be all serious on a fap sharing site ;))


New member
May 3, 2019
You still want to go on with your fallacious understanding of basic concepts of economics and international law? Your posting that link shows how little you actually understand, copyrighting is protecting the liberties and rights of the creators of content to prevent other people from using their intellectual property to profit from without giving the creator their rightful share. Only dolts can spin protecting one's liberty and rights to the possession of their own creations/property as being anti-liberty. In the Trump era I'm not surprised by how rampant this stupidity is however.

We are having two entirely different discussions here - mine is based on real practical concepts and actual legal principles and yours based in philosophizing about metaphysical concepts. I never said that paying for something makes it rare I said I pay more money for something exclusive than I will for something common and easily attainable that anyone can easily possess, if you can't grasp that basic underlying principle of capitalist economics then that's not my problem - artificial scarcity through pricing is a common and well established concept, by pricing things out of the common man's affordable range you create artificial scarcity just as real scarcity can artificially inflate value. The 'a product paid for is a product paid for' was about your bullshit claim that the physical properties of an object change anything, which is utter bullshit.

The only thing you are even close to being based in reality about is the fact that one cannot seek legal prosecution for theft of intellectual property unless it is copyrighted, but it's still the creator's intellectual property according to the laws of virtually every nation on Earth and using, distributing or reproducing it without their authorization is theft even if it's not legally prosecutable theft because that person failed to legally protect it properly.

You can feel free to believe whatever the hell you want to believe but I'll stick to reality, thanks.
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think it was dunham(paraphrasing) 72 virgins? rather have 2 sluts that know what they're doing". End the shaming, it's a good, like 75-90% reason why they ain't offerign it up to ypeople with a shamer atitude. She seems confident as is or can certainly fake it and make money from being that damn attractive, what's next is awaited.
I'm fully aware of the law, and it's intent. I'm talking about what it does in practical reality.

It's surprising that you cannot differentiate between rivalrous goods and non-rivalrous goods, and refer to the latter as "metaphysical concepts." It's almost as if you don't even understand what rivalrous and metaphysical mean.

I assure you, scarcity and non-scarcity are very real. And the price of something doesn't change that. And no legislation can turn a rivalrous good into a nonrivalrous good.

And the reality is pretty easy to understand. I challenge you to explicate a single fault with the logic presented in the article (which was published almost a decade ago.) There is a big difference between a physical DVD and the information stored on the DVD.
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