Off Topic Tip for VIP

Okay so i'm seeing this trend a lot and it's more-or-less the certain "types" of OF content creators that seem to be popularizing it. Is anyone else noticing that a lot of girls are now offering their OF subs "for free" but then turning it into a glorified Instagram of PG-13 content and teasing. While at the same time they drop the mention that if you tip them a large sum (usually in the $100's to justify the "juicy" content you're missing out on) that you will gain VIP access to their NSFW content. This of course comes in various shapes and sizes depending on the girls but it's usually the nude/lewd versions of the censored or teased content on their main timeline. I've seen others that like to tack on an extra level of personal connection such as some kind of prioritized DMs that also justifies the separate payment.

This is total and absolute bullshit, right? Is OF the new virtual strip club in that the illusion of "free" entertainment is actually a ploy to get you to spend more money than you want to?