Update may 2022 :
I subscribed to Yana_panda on Patreon :
I'm looking to see if i can get content from Darlene sid :
In my opinion, the subscription tier price needed to have great content is around 50 and i can't subscribed to all Patreon's twerkers at the same time ^^
Watch out for : when you subscribe, you have until the next 1st of the next month to get the content before you need too pay again and you don't want that...
there is a "optimal" method to get the content from the channel but its only working if the video are hosted on vimeo..
Would be great to have another heroe out there and we can work that out together !
proposition : make Mega links to share the content, i can provide some Yana_panda and you can provide some Darlene Sid
Cheers :
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Requests - Ashlee Cat / Ashlee / AshleeCat / fuckkittykat