Off Topic WHy people pay for e-thot content (The Surprising Psychology Of OnlyFans Simps)

If you recall in the Jordan Peterson lecture embedded above, he mentions how porn makes up a much lower proportion of the Internet now than it did in the earlier days, and one of the main things that drove the development of the Internet and the technology was the male proclivity to search out sexual imagery. And with an industry revenue close to $100 billion annually, I have no doubt they have the power to influence where technology goes, and especially what technologies win in certain circumstances.

And it's not like they have to have any sort of meeting or issue demands or anything. It's really just as simple as choosing to use one technology over another, just as they described with VHS and BluRay. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same story with the most popular codecs, and all kinds of other facets of the Internet, from HTML5 to even the layout of webpages.

However, you can see in the video that they used footage from that there were other reasons VHS won out. A lighter machine and higher capacity cassette was appealing...but also JVC had a better marketing strategy by creating relationships with the video rental industry.

So it very well could be that porn didn't necessarily drive the pick to VHS, but were actually following trend because that's what video rental stores carried, and they wanted to be on the shelf in that back room behind the curtain.

It may be impossible to know which drove which, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was basically just a feedback loop. As they said in the WatchMojo, VHS was more appealing to the filmmaker because they could fit more data onto a VHS cassette than the Betamax. So they might have favored it for that reason, and of course JVC wanted their tech to win, so they pushed video rental stores to use it, which caused movie producers to use it, which meant that would become the dominant/easiest medium available to video stores.

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It may be impossible to know which drove which, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was basically just a feedback loop. As they said in the WatchMojo, VHS was more appealing to the filmmaker because they could fit more data onto a VHS cassette than the Betamax. So they might have favored it for that reason, and of course JVC wanted their tech to win, so they pushed video rental stores to use it, which caused movie producers to use it, which meant that would become the dominant/easiest medium available to video stores.

Yup that sounds very right, This is what happened with Bluray. Sony and Toshiba were really fighting for the medium. Sony was a dominant name in the home media industry and had influence over many companies.
Toshiba if you remember was gaining speed with its new players and laptop business and had covered a lot of ground in Japan with laptop sales. Sony's Viao laptops were also the cream for laptop picks in the Japanese market with its stylish Z series. Sony also had influence over the movie industry and music (not just hardware) to the point that Toshiba could not compete or promote it's HD-DVD patent. Also, Sony was backed up by Phillips which itself is a huge name

The US did side with Panasonic with Microsoft offering it's media on HD-DVD and also with the Xbox 360 but the advantages of having Bluray and the way it was read was more beneficial for the industry leaders. Also once warner and Netflix both decided to dish out HD DVD.. that was the end of it.

These are basically points that came to my mind whenever I thought about how one medium took over another... porn was never a stakeholder lol but after those youtube videos and your comment.. I guess I will have to accept, yes, a 100 billion industry will obviously have an impact :)

Anyways, thanks again for the wonderful comments :)
Have a great day. Cheers
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That channel i posted videos from made a new video. If you want to spend a few minutes just listening to almost everything you already know, it's not that bad :) i kind of like her method, it's funny, silly but yeah.. kind of enjoyable