So after a very long time I've decided to join OnlyFans just to satisfy my curiousity concerning the videos Nika is posting. And as expected everything is lame. Basically there are four categories.
The majority of clips is her fingering herself. At least the lighting is good these days. She does a bit of dirty talking now and then but it's not as hot as it could be.
Then there are videos where she sucks on things. Not as many as you woud expect though seeing how she started out.
Then there are clips of her trying on outfits. And her talking about random stuff. Both of which boring to a decreet that I can't even describe.
And offcourse she keeps promising things that she does not deliver on. Everytime she teases her followers with hot clips but it's usually more of the same. And if she's not posting for sometime she makes up this story how OnlyFans blocked the upload because of how hot it was. That's complete nonsense because there's thousands of hours of much more explicit material being uploaded every day. Her tities are rarely show. The reason? Private customers supposedly pay big money to see them. In order for them to stay exclusive she does not reveal them on camera. Sure... Shes just insecure about them.
She was hinting on sucking on a real cock. That I woud like to see. But I doubt if she ever is going to go that far.
If Nika would start sucking real dicks and take a cumshot ms to the face I'd be more interessted.