Requests - SandySun | Page 3 | Social Media Girls

Requests SandySun

ludger69 commented
If you think about what she showed 2 years ago then this is a real improvement
Lolsmiley206 commented
leischen commented
gotta love that ass
Tyingfr commented
Post it
we need mooooooooore and we will make her show boobs :D
Atexx1192 commented
She has been showing the same exact content for almost five years now. Only difference is now she doesn't have a mic, is a complete bitch, and she has randoms doing the chatting for her. If you think that's her replying to you on any platform, you are sorely mistaken. She might reply every once in a while but if she does, its DURING a video call and even then she probably won't listen to you specifically because there's 30 different people asking for her to do stuff during one video call.

There was a time where skype video calls were actually private and no one else could see so it would just be a 1 on 1, now its tied to her other cam accounts so while you are doing a cam call with her, 29 other people are watching and asking for stuff.
///////////////////////// commented
thank you for telling us a whole bunch of stuff we already know.
sandylover commented
Atexx1192 we already know that... let us be a believers.

this could happen again...
Xpman commented

You are partially right. that she is on cam sites there is no way we will see any part of her naked. But if you pay her enough money over time (this is thousands of dollars) you will start seeing more of her as leaked. The problem is that whoever has it will probably never leak it on sites like here, we can only hope that whoever spent a lot of money will get angry and want revenge and then there is a chance that we will see more
ok, this is a rare gem

vanny13 commented
ssnd commented
ludger69 commented
She dont show her tits without nipplepads
despicablesensei commented
could you reupload this one pls!