Requests - alpha_luke | Page 2 | Social Media Girls

Requests alpha_luke

New Big tit girl Riley

Djemrifusn commented
is there another video from this one?
johnevan118 commented
reup please good sir!
I found these bunkrs, and there are a lot of files, I haven't had a chance to check them all, probably some repeats, but maybe also some new & useful stuff...

with maddie...
80 poorly labeled files...
and 22 other files...
Here's everything I have, reposting after the data loss. Should contain everything that was posted in this thread, or close to it. Please give a like.

106 files (39.7 GB)
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Albakeeee commented
Since the original posters have now reposted their content, to show you aren’t a snipping leech, delete this post
Reposting some of my videos. Previous post’s already included some of mine.

adventure4u commented
Thanks for editing your post to include all of the links and removing the individual link posts. We all appreciate those who contribute. Sorry you lost all your fake internet points in the data loss, we all lost 6 months of activity scores.
Albakeeee commented
I didn’t. You reported my post and a mod did it. I lost way more than six months and it isnt easier to climb back when people like you post post the work of others. You are taking advantage of the loss for your own gain. I looked at your pre-April posting and you have share very little. But now you are mass posting the work of others and asking for likes. I will not be sharing my recordings in this forum anymore because of you and the lack of resolution for those who lost their reaction score that they earned legitimately
rackattack11 commented
Albakeeee Yeah, I was showing my respect to you, all good.
NomeJive commented
Sadly most of these links are dead. Good while we had it, thank you!
Tonight’s show with new 18 year old. Likely my last post here because mgmt continues to ignore the reaction score issue while long time leechers, like the dude who linked a bunkr folder that is 80% my stuff. Dude rarely shared content until now. My score is in the shatter, and he’s finally obtained a respectable score

maverick872 commented
Thank you so much!!
Jolly_Roger commented
Everyone got screwed by the database rollback, and there will always be shitheads. But you're getting 10 times the medals and thumbs up for posting original stuff vs that dipshit copying your work. We all apprciate you and know who the real hero is around here! Hopefully you will reconsider leaving. If not, thanks for all your hard work!
Albakeeee commented
Jolly_Roger and others—appreciate the support. For now I’ll continue to share for a bit. I’m still holding out for a fix to people who lost their score. They have fixed for some but still ignore the rest and let that douche waffle exploit the system.
here is last night’s show. Threesome with Abbi and Kayla. This is his first time fucking Abbi


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Look at you! Newbie Getting Addicted
Jan 25, 2023
Apparently Nancy has an OF. She cams solo at

Anyone know what the OF is?
grantorpedo commented
alphafen777 commented
Anyone know more about Rae that was on briefly?
You must be registered for see images

Anyone know who she is?
Justin14 commented
I really wanna see the video with her thats the only reason I'm on here lol
Justin14 commented
Dose anyone have vids of her ?
lebrondagoat247 commented
I need vids of her
Does anyone know who this is, or if she even did any videos with him?

howbeit commented
At end of Stream, she did a 'back nude', its all i remember. She was just to chat. Hope I'm wrong.
tyhansen72 commented
what was her name?
Mathanpom commented


New member
Jan 7, 2024

Where I can find this video ? I think it is a edit. I notice that are several videos and I could look for, but if somebody know would be better.
1 Comment
Squiddly commented
Maybe you should go make friends with the guy who posted that private vid, instead of wasting everyone's time HERE with a link 99.99% can't download. Learn the rules, or be quiet. (n)