Requests Elena N OK Live / OK.RU

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1279156
  • Start date
May 12, 2022
Here is Elena before she had the kid ,before you all burst a brain bubble,and hurry before it expires on shitty gofile,no panties pussy shot and tank top no bra,,of course,lol
Ok,re-upped with pixeldrain,fuck gofile,-
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Shazaam1990 commented
What else you got in your vault?? Good work!
BS660 commented
Love watching her
peterlondon45 commented
please reup
Jan 10, 2023
Any sight of her lately?
peterlondon45 commented
By the way. Its not mine.
credit to abcdabcd11111
Cjones306 commented
I wanna see her shave video
kadur commented
RIP Ok lIve!

It was meant to end at the end of last year, but it continued until Tuesday (13/02/2024) 1PM Moscow time..

I was watching her final stream. She did not know it was her final stream lol Peeps tried to tell her that ok live had been shut down whilst she was broadcasting, yet she didn't understand what they were saying. She kept telling peeps to search in yandex for ok live! lol

I have the entire last stream (will not upload it here cos Alice is in it) plus it's 4 hours long lol

If anyone knows if she is still broadcasting elsewhere, then tell me. Maybe I'll share the (almost) 3 years worth of caps I have.

dickyhead commented
LOL,,My posts are what I have copied from my own recorder and watching the streams i have recorded at the time,,,anytime i repost someone elses material,i give credit to the original poster. Sorry if you think i have stepped on your toes or you think i 'stole' your material,but i have,or had,enough material of my own to post for a few years,lol. Good day comrade.
magicmagnets commented
don't mind him, he is full of himself. One time he was "missing" for a long time, i presumed something might have happened with him since the war in Ukraine, when he came back, instead of saying "oh no guys im fine, don't worry", he was annoyed like i called him gay or something. Dude is sharing recordings of a crazy woman, not inventing cures for cancer.
dickyhead commented
No problem,,it's the internet,i don't let little people like сумасшедший бриллиант bother me,,lmao.
doonky commented
Will we have old lives of her? Before most of the messages in this topic disappeared, there was a discussion about lives on another platform like Periscope, or lives from an old account of hers where she was less restrained.