Requests raiane pereira

Did anyone grab the $200 vid yet? If so I'll post the $125 live with Corin Clark, Raiane and the other chick from the other night.

TBH I'll prob end up posting it anyway, but would be cool if someone tag teamed to grab it.
Johnwall443 commented
can you post the live bro
bobsampson commented
Ya I still have it and had planned on posting. The problem is this.... since I made my post, about 6 people have all messaged me saying they have the $200 vid and want to trade, or want me to pay for some tlgrm bullshit.

My point is this - we all win when we're all sharing. I'll get this vid up and some others, when others start sharing too .... especially considering that *almost* everyone that's messaging me didn't even pay for it themselves and got it for free, yet they STILL aren't posting here. Everything I post, I paid for myself.

Let's get some posts going and I'll happily share. In the meantime, I just posted some pics in the Ayla thread that I paid for, and half of this thread is made up of me and volvecs posts as it is.